Kobowriter transforms the Kobo Glo HD into an E Ink typewriter

Here’s introducing the new Kobowriter which essentially is an E Ink typewriter…

Kobo Glo HD Now Available for $109.99

Valentines Day is right around the corner and why buy your loved…

Kobo Glo HD e-reader on sale for $99

Kobo is discounting their only high-definition e-reader to be released in 2015,…

Kobo Touch 2.0 vs Kobo Glo HD e-Reader Comparison

The Kobo Glo HD was released earlier in the year, and people…

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite 3 vs Kobo Glo HD

Amazon and Kobo are the two largest companies in the world that…

How Would You Change the Kobo Glo HD?

Kobo has a long track record with issuing e-readers and it is…

How to Load e-books on the Kobo Glo HD

Whenever a new e-reader hits the market, many users are purchasing one…

Kobo Glo HD vs Kobo Aura H2O – Reading in the Dark

The Kobo Glo HD and Kobo Aura H2O are two e-readers that…

The Kobo Glo HD Has a Hidden SD Card

The Kobo Glo HD is a new e-reader and its purpose is…

Kobo Aura VS Kobo Glo HD Comfortlight Test

The Kobo Aura and Kobo Glo HD both have an illuminated screen.…

Kindle Voyage and Kobo Glo HD Nighttime Reading Test

The Kobo Glo HD and Amazon Kindle Voyage both of front-lit display…

How Good is the Kobo Glo HD Comfortlight?

The Kobo Glo HD has technology that allows you to read in…

What is the Best e-reader? Amazon Kindle Voyage or Kobo Glo HD?

The Amazon Kindle Voyage and upcoming Kobo Glo HD are very similar.…

Is the Kobo Glo HD Worth the Upgrade?

E-Readers are for the most part, immune to the same sort of…

Kobo Aura vs Kobo Glo HD

Kobo has three e-readers in their current portfolio that they market all…

Kobo H2O vs Kobo Glo HD – Full Comparison

The current e-reader product line from Kobo consist of the Aura, H2O…