Kobo Originals launched in early 2018 and the program features audiobooks and ebooks. Kobo has been working tirelessly with with publishers and industry partners to find great titles to make available in digital format to Kobo customers in France, the Netherlands and Canada. Kobo has quietly included all of their own original content into the Overdrive catalog. There are … [Read more...] about Kobo Originals now available on Overdrive
kobo originals
Kobo is launching a podcast
Kobo is one of the largest digital bookstores in the world and they recently got involved in the audiobook space. They sell audio titles on an individual basis, but you can also pay a monthly subscription fee and save some money. One of the big movements within the company is Kobo Original Content. Kobo Originals program, offering readers exclusive original eBook and audiobook … [Read more...] about Kobo is launching a podcast