Magzter Inc., the world's largest digital newsstand, has announced new premium titles in the US under its Magzter GOLD program. With this move, the newsstand cements its position as a leading platform for digital magazines and newspapers, offering US readers an expansive collection of high-quality publications. As a part of its expansion, Magzter has partnered with … [Read more...] about Magzter Brings Premium Titles from the to Magzter GOLD
Magzter GOLD
Magzter Digital Magazine App Adds New Titles to Unlimited Subscription Plan
Just as ebook distributors competed for readers by offering the best in content, pricing, devices, and compatibility, digital magazine providers are also upping the ante when it comes to vying for consumer loyalty. That's why one of the relative newcomers in the digital magazine space, Magzter, has already signed more than 25 million customers since launching Magzter GOLD in … [Read more...] about Magzter Digital Magazine App Adds New Titles to Unlimited Subscription Plan