Two years ago, Viz Media made big news when they converted their manga magazine Shonen Jump from a print monthly to a digital weekly, with new manga chapters running almost simultaneously with their Japanese release. A year later, they went to simultaneous release with Japan. Shonen Jump carries some of the best selling manga in the U.S., including Naruto and One Piece, and the … [Read more...] about Viz Media Brings Shonen Jump Back to Print – Sort Of
Digital Comics Best-Sellers for January 5, 2014
So, what's everybody reading in this first week of 2014? ComiXology 1. X-Men: Days of Future Past 2. Age of Ultron #1 3. Fear Itself 4. Superman Unchained #5 5. Age of Ultron #2 6. Infinity Gauntlet 7. Age of Ultron #3 8. Age of Ultron #4 9. Age of Ultron #5 10. Age of Ultron #10 See a pattern here? This is a pretty interesting week. For one thing, there is … [Read more...] about Digital Comics Best-Sellers for January 5, 2014
Digital Comics Gift Guide – 2013
Comics fans tend to have strong feelings about the types of comics they like, and sometimes it can be hard to buy for them because it seems like they have everything. Never fear! Here's the first part of our Digital Comics Gift Guide, featuring an array of gifts for comics fans who have everything, as well as those who are just getting started. Gift Cards and Gift … [Read more...] about Digital Comics Gift Guide – 2013
Digital Comics Bargains for Black Friday
Stay away from the mall this Black Friday and scoop up some digital deals for yourself—or your friends. Dark Horse has an amazing deal on Star Wars comics: A megabundle of over 150 single issues for $100. The bundle includes Brian Wood's Star Wars (set in the world of the original movie), the kid-friendly Clone Wars, all three arcs of The Crimson Empire, and all sorts of … [Read more...] about Digital Comics Bargains for Black Friday
Digital Comics Bargains for November 23, 2013—Updated!
It seems like there's a big cross-platform sale every week; this week it's on Geoff Johns's Green Lantern comics, marked down to 99 cents an issue on comiXology, Kindle, and Nook. ComiXology says it's a seven-day sale that kicked off on November 19, so it looks like you'll have till Tuesday night to make your picks. ComiXology also has a sale on comics from the UK publisher … [Read more...] about Digital Comics Bargains for November 23, 2013—Updated!
Digital Comics Bargains for November 15, 2013—Updated!
Just in time for the holiday travel season, we have a ton of great digital comics deals. Load up your e-reader now, and you'll be good until the holiday gift cards come in. Indie publisher Top Shelf is having a big digital sale across all platforms—that's comiXology, Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and Comics Plus. The sale includes steep markdowns on two of the most acclaimed books of … [Read more...] about Digital Comics Bargains for November 15, 2013—Updated!
Gagan Singh on Viz’s Expansion to iBooks
Viz Media was not the first manga publisher to turn to digital publishing, but it has been one of the most aggressive. Just three years ago, in November 2010, they launched an iPad app with just five titles; now they have a digital library of over 1,600 volumes, and the app is available for iPhone/iPod Touch and Android devices, the same service syncs with their … [Read more...] about Gagan Singh on Viz’s Expansion to iBooks
What Crunchyroll’s New Manga Service Gets Right
Crunchyroll's new streaming manga service, which will launch on Wednesday, looks like the manga publishers' best bet yet for fighting piracy, for three reasons: 1. It has new manga chapters the same day they are released in Japan. 2. It has a couple of big-name series to anchor it. 3. It's free. OK, it's only partly free, but right now it looks like Crunchyroll is … [Read more...] about What Crunchyroll’s New Manga Service Gets Right
Crunchyroll Manga Platform Launches Oct 30th
Crunchyroll is one of the premier anime and drama services and offers hundreds of streaming videos via their fleet of apps. The company is experimenting with a new vertical with Japanese publisher Kodansha to launch Crunchyroll Manga on October 30th 2013. Crunchyroll Manga will launch on a subscription model, which will be different from other platforms that just sell … [Read more...] about Crunchyroll Manga Platform Launches Oct 30th
NYCC: Kodansha Comics Expands E-Books, Grabs More Attack on Titan Series
Attack on Titan has been a sleeper hit for the manga publisher Kodansha Comics, and at their panel at New York Comic Con, editor Ben Applegate announced that they had sold over 500,000 copies of the series, which is currently at seven volumes. The series is set in a world in which giants roam the earth, eating people; to escape them, humans have retreated behind high walls. … [Read more...] about NYCC: Kodansha Comics Expands E-Books, Grabs More Attack on Titan Series