Huawei unveiled it's Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra rival last month at the Huawei Summer 2022 Smart Office Launch. This is where we were introduced to the up and coming MatePad Pro tablet from the Chinese tech giant. The company gave us a detailed look at the tab's enticing software and hardware specifications at the event. Following up on the late July announcement, the … [Read more...] about 11-inch MatePad Pro tablet from Huawei out now
MatePad Pro
New Huawei Mate Pad Pro tablet offers detachable keyboard support
Huawei introduced a new MatePad Pro 2-in-1 tablet device which seems to have the potential to shake things up at the high-end premium Android tablet space. The tablet features a Snapdragon 888 processor at its core, which makes for a significant departure from the company's in-house Kirin chipset that powered the tablet the company launched even last year. The tablet otherwise … [Read more...] about New Huawei Mate Pad Pro tablet offers detachable keyboard support