The next gen Nexus 7 will be ready for launch towards July, reports Reuters. The news agency further revealed Google and Asus will be banking on Qualcomm to power the new Nexus 7 device. Sources said chips from both NVIDIA and Qualcomm were put to test, and the latter made the cut reportedly due to its power saving credentials. Other details of the upcoming device include a … [Read more...] about Next Gen Nexus 7 Coming July, Will Sport a Qualcomm Chip
The Times Offers Subsidized Nexus 7 for Digital Subscription
The Times has resorted to offering the Nexus 7 with a deep discount so as to push its digital subscription plan for The Times and The Sunday Times newspaper apps. The newspaper is offering the 32 GB Nexus 7 for just £50, which is £149 less than the £199 that the Google tablet sells for in the UK. The catch is that users will have to agree to an 18 month subscription that … [Read more...] about The Times Offers Subsidized Nexus 7 for Digital Subscription