The Barnes and Noble Nook Color received a push update via WIFI in the last 24 hours that delivers minor improvements to the tablet. The main thing that was fixed had to do with deleted emails. The stock email app used to re-download emails that had been deleted has been fixed. There has been a problem in some apps with white-text on white-background menu labels, this has been … [Read more...] about Nook Color Receives Minor Update to Version 1.4.2
nook color firmware update
Nook Color Firmware Update 1.4.1 brings Marvel Comics and More!
Barnes and Noble just released the 1.4.1 update for the Nook Color today and promises more single updates packed into this version then any other to date. There are over 100 features and enhancements found and one of the biggest is that it brings Nook Comics into the fray! If you are a comic book geek you will love the new feature 'Nook Comics' found in the latest firmware. … [Read more...] about Nook Color Firmware Update 1.4.1 brings Marvel Comics and More!
Barnes and Noble Issues Firmware Update 1.3.0 for Nook Color
Barnes and Noble issued a new firmware update for the seminal Nook Color today that offers a number of enhancements to NOOK Newsstand. With the new NOOK Color 1.3 software update, you shall be able to enjoy special edition versions of Time Inc.’s People, Fortune, Sports Illustrated, and Time, and Meredith’s Parents and Fitness magazines, all optimized for the device and … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble Issues Firmware Update 1.3.0 for Nook Color
Barnes and Noble Nook Color Firmware Update 1.1 released
People have been waiting on the new firmware update for Barnes and Noble first Android color tablet e-reader! The update is out and available to download now and offers some sweet upgrades and performance enhancements. The new update to the Barnes and Noble Nook Color negates any rooting you might have done on your device, so make sure you bear that in mind before you … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble Nook Color Firmware Update 1.1 released