As more and more public and academic libraries institute ebook lending for their patrons, there are a few standout programs that are doing their utmost to further the lending design and foster discovery for books and authors. Today, Clevland, Ohio-based OverDrive, a leading supplier to institutions of digital content in a variety of forms, announced it had made selections for … [Read more...] about Top eBook Lenders Selected as OverDrive Library Leaders
Macmillan eBooks Available via Overdrive on March 1st, 2013
Macmillan and Overdrive announced a new ebook pilot program last month that will see a number of titles from their Minotaur imprint become available to libraries. We now have a definitive date of March 1st, 2013 that will bring over 1,200 ebooks that will be added to the Content Reserve system for libraries to to purchase. The new Macmillan pilot program will abide by the … [Read more...] about Macmillan eBooks Available via Overdrive on March 1st, 2013
eBook Television Commercial Increases Circulation for One Library
Libraries tend to rely on word of mouth advertising to promote their digital collections. In some cases they are developing their own in-house posters and other marketing materials to promote ebooks in their physical locations. Oklahoma’s Metropolitan Library System is doing something quite different and has developed a television commercial hyping their e-Media platform with … [Read more...] about eBook Television Commercial Increases Circulation for One Library
Overdrive Launches Free eBook Trial for Schools
Overdrive is the largest company that facilitates the digital lending of ebooks for the vast majority of libraries and schools. The company is launching a new pilot program that will allow schools to try the system for free and see if it will be a good fit for the staff and student body alike. With this free trial, schools can lend almost 1,000 popular and educational ebook … [Read more...] about Overdrive Launches Free eBook Trial for Schools
OverDrive’s Digital Book Mobile Goes on Tour
Just as exciting as the news that any 80s hair band is going on the road, OverDrive announced this morning that its digital bookmobile is kicking off a North American tour tomorrow, with its first stops lining up on the West coast. This is the sixth year that the 18-wheeler sized virtual library will roll out to schools and public libraries, giving demos of what digital reading … [Read more...] about OverDrive’s Digital Book Mobile Goes on Tour
Breaking: Overdrive to Bring Digital Manga to Libraries
During the recent American Library Association Mid-Winter Conference, we received the news that Overdrive is working on distribution agreements with Kondansha, Shogakukan, and other Japanese Manga publishers. The end result will see thousands of Manga titles available to libraries to integrate into their catalogs. CEO of Overdrive Steve Potash was in Japan a few weeks ago, … [Read more...] about Breaking: Overdrive to Bring Digital Manga to Libraries
President of ALA Maureen Sullivan Talks about the Shift to Digital
In the last few years, the transition to digital ebooks in libraries has been accelerating. Many companies such as 3M, Overdrive, Baker & Taylor, and Recorded Books have all come of age and offer complete solutions for libraries offering electronic books. The American Library Association President, Maureen Sullivan, spoke to Good e-Reader about some of the issues facing … [Read more...] about President of ALA Maureen Sullivan Talks about the Shift to Digital
Overdrive Demonstrates HTML5 Reading on the Wii-U
Overdrive is hoping to bring younger readers into the library to borrow digital books in innovative new ways. The company, famous for being the largest content distribution platform, showed off its Overdrive Read HTML5 platform today to Good e-Reader at the American Library Association Mid-Winter Conference in Seattle, Washington. The Nintendo Wii-U is the latest … [Read more...] about Overdrive Demonstrates HTML5 Reading on the Wii-U
OverDrive Now Delivers Streaming Video and Audio to Members
At last week's Digital Book World conference, OverDrive CEO Steve Potash promised GoodeReader in an interview that the digital content solution company would be hosting a demonstration of new features at this week's ALA Midwinter conference in Seattle. Today's announcement of streaming video and audio for member schools and libraries makes OverDrive's Next Generation platform … [Read more...] about OverDrive Now Delivers Streaming Video and Audio to Members
OverDrive CEO Steve Potash on Where ePub Is Taking Publishing
This year's Digital Book World conference has been filled with industry attention on a number of topics. Children's content has received a lot of the focus, as has the current wider adoption of the ePub3 standard. New terms have even been coined, with the recognition of the "hybrid" author as a driving force in the publishing industry. One of the areas that hasn't received … [Read more...] about OverDrive CEO Steve Potash on Where ePub Is Taking Publishing