This October, a new 9.7 inch tablet with 3G capability is going to hit the market in India. Pantel Technologies, the makers of the new tablet, have yet to reveal the pricing structure, but it is expected to be financially competitive. The company already has a tie-up with state telecom operator BSNL for various 3G data plans. "We are working on a host of products. We are … [Read more...] about Pantel Tech to Launch 3G Tablet in India
BSNL Tablet Pre-Orders Crosses 1 lac
It was just a few days ago that BSNL first announced plans to launch a troika of tablets in the Indian market. The three tablets range in price from an Aakash challenger to one that can take on the likes of the Reliance 3G Tab. However, while the Aakash is still languishing along without hitting headlines with such high pre-order sales figures, BSNL has made quite the media … [Read more...] about BSNL Tablet Pre-Orders Crosses 1 lac