Information on specific sales data is about e-readers and ebooks is often hard to come by, especially from self-published authors who may not have their books listed with some of the major book tracking companies. New surveys about the process for self-published authors, however, have provided a closer look at how the experience and the sales have made an impact on authors and … [Read more...] about Patti Davis, Self-Pub Authors More Likely to Continue on their Own
Patti Davis
Too Famous to Write: Patti Davis on her Self-Publishing Journey
As the digital publishing revolution continues to turn the publishing world on its collective head, new changes to the existing models come every day. Ebooks made headlines around the world when they finally began accounting for sizeable chunks of publishers' profits, and entire publishing houses were launched that focused on ebook-only or digital-first releases. More recently, … [Read more...] about Too Famous to Write: Patti Davis on her Self-Publishing Journey