Pubu, the Taiwan-based company, is reportedly working on an e-note device called PubBook Pro. While details are scarce, the rumour is that the said e-note device will feature a 10.3-inch Kaleido 3 Color E Ink display. The PuBook Pro is also touted to come with an octa-core MediaTek processor that is coupled to 8 gigs of RAM and 128 gigs of storage. The e-note will be running … [Read more...] about Pubook Pro to come with 10.3-inch Kaleido 3 E Ink display, built-in ChatGPT
Pubu launches Pubook e-reader with 7.8-inch E Ink Carta display
The Taiwan-based e-book platform has now come up with its own e-reader in the form of Pubook. Pubu said the new Pubook comes across as a closed system e-reader device having a 7.8-inch E Ink Carta display having 300 PPI resolution. The company said the 7.8-inch sized display makes it ideal for reading both texts based as well graphic rich content such as comics or manga. Pubu … [Read more...] about Pubu launches Pubook e-reader with 7.8-inch E Ink Carta display