Every single year new statistics and polls emerge about digital textbooks in the classroom. Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Google have all tried very hard to offer digital editions for rent and resale, but they have not caught on in a meaningful way. A new report by the University of Washington found that even when eTextbooks are given away for free, students continue to buy … [Read more...] about Students Continue to Resist Digital Textbooks
Amazon Takes Over Textbook Business of the University of Massachusetts
Amazon has ironed out an agreement with the University of Massachusetts to take over the schools textbook business from Follett. Starting this fall students will be able to order print books and have them delivered for free to their homes or an Amazon-staffed storefront in the campus center that’s set to open in June. Each student will be available to save $380 each semester … [Read more...] about Amazon Takes Over Textbook Business of the University of Massachusetts
New Survey Looks at Digital Textbook Adoption
Vital Source and the Ingram Content Group announced the results of its annual survey revealing how students and professors are embracing digital textbooks. The survey talked to 500 students and most are hopelessly addicted to their e-reader, smartphone or tablet. 45% of students said they usually do not go more than 10 minutes without using some form of technology during an … [Read more...] about New Survey Looks at Digital Textbook Adoption
Students Fail to Embrace Digital Textbooks
American students have yet to embrace digital textbooks in considerable numbers. Many of the top universities and colleges have a very slim minority that either use them exclusively or in parallel with print. A recent survey by Hewlett Packard illiminates the role digital is playing in the classroom. HP conducted a survey last winter, talking to 527 students at San Jose … [Read more...] about Students Fail to Embrace Digital Textbooks
Global Crackdown on Pirate Textbooks Continues
There is a global crackdown on organized crime manufacturing illegal student textbooks. A few weeks ago police raided a few locations in Madrid and Seville, seizing 10 professional book scanning machines and arresting three. Authorities in Uganda have raided 29 bookstores participating in a scheme that saw unsuspending students buying textbooks worth $686,000 US. Towards … [Read more...] about Global Crackdown on Pirate Textbooks Continues
What Kirtsaeng v. Wiley Means for Consumers
The US Supreme Court handed down a landmark ruling this week. No, it wasn't about the death penalty, abortion, gay marriage, or gun control. It was about books. More specifically, it was about the right of first sale that allows consumers to sell a book when they have finished with it. This protection under copyright law essentially allows everyone from dusty used paperback … [Read more...] about What Kirtsaeng v. Wiley Means for Consumers
California Gov Signs Landmark Digital Textbook Bill
In a move that some feel is another blow to the big business of traditional publishing, California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation that will give the California college systems the push they need to not only find open source textbooks for their students’ classes, but will also enable the colleges and universities to develop these materials themselves in order to make … [Read more...] about California Gov Signs Landmark Digital Textbook Bill
Bookboon Conducts Survey on Your Preference of eBooks or Print Textbooks.
A new survey has been conducted by BookBoon on people's preferences between ebooks and the printed textbooks in the school environment. Over 2164 US students partook in the study, which gives us some solid information the digital vs print debate. Over 75% of US students regularly choose not to buy the textbooks their professors require, citing the huge expense involved. … [Read more...] about Bookboon Conducts Survey on Your Preference of eBooks or Print Textbooks.
E-Readers Can Give Textbook Publishers A Run For Their Money
I teach high school English for a very special population of teenagers. Some of them have been classified to receive special education services, and many more probably fell so far through cracks that they were never identified back in elementary school. Interestingly enough, many of my students have already officially quit school and some even already have their GEDs. The … [Read more...] about E-Readers Can Give Textbook Publishers A Run For Their Money
Dual Screen Kno Tablet priced at $899
The Kno dual screen tablet is inching closer to its launch schedule which its makers Kno have pegged to be around the end of this year though no specific launch dates have been revealed. And as a precursor to it, Kno have come out with the cost of both the single screen as well as the dual screen versions of the Kno tablet. So it will require one to have $599 and $899 to be … [Read more...] about Dual Screen Kno Tablet priced at $899