There are millions of people who do not buy ebooks or other digital content and pirate it instead. This is offending the sensibilities of Sir Philip Pullman who is the president of the Society of Authors. He has signed a joint letter to Business Secretary Greg Clark alongside 32 other concerned writers – including Doctor Who screenwriter Malorie Blackman, historian Sir Antony … [Read more...] about Pirating ebooks is an offence against moral justice
Lookout Theft Alerts Offer Some Consolation if Your Phone is Stolen
One of the scariest things that can happen to us in these modern times is to find ourselves suddenly without our smartphone. It was there a minute ago and now it is gone, and the first thoughts through our head include: what did I have stored on there? We can replace a piece of hardware, but the information stored inside it can be revealing and damaging: access to your email? … [Read more...] about Lookout Theft Alerts Offer Some Consolation if Your Phone is Stolen