One of the scariest things that can happen to us in these modern times is to find ourselves suddenly without our smartphone. It was there a minute ago and now it is gone, and the first thoughts through our head include: what did I have stored on there? We can replace a piece of hardware, but the information stored inside it can be revealing and damaging: access to your email? private SMS conversations? your social media profiles? saved passwords inside financial applications? photographs we’d rather others didn’t see? Anything is possible.
Security company, Lookout, now offers a type of digital insurance with Theft Alerts. Using Theft Alerts you will be sent an email as soon as the thief attempts to “turn off the phone, remove the SIM, turn on airplane mode or remove a device administrator, including a picture from the phone’s front-facing camera and the GPS coordinates of where it was last seen.” Following this notification, you will have the option of remotely locking and wiping your device the next time it is powered on in an effort to keep all of your information safely away from prying eyes. Lookout Premium users will receive Theft Alerts included, but those trying out the free version can use it without charge until September 30, 2014.