Yesterday, Smashwords’ CEO Mark Coker updated the company blog with a stunning announcement: Smashwords has now had a stunning five billion words uploaded to the site. GoodeReader caught up with Coker this morning prior to his speaking panel at ThrillerFest in New York to learn an even more amazing figure. “I wrote that blog post late Wednesday night,” said Coker in the … [Read more...] about Smashwords’ CEO Mark Coker on Publishing Milestones
ThrillerFest Wrap-Up
GoodEReader has devoted a portion of this site to bringing readers information on the technology and publishing events that take place worldwide throughout the year. Depending on the needs and interests of the readers, many of these events can present great opportunities for attendees to discover the latest in tablet and e-reader technology, or garner some valuable networking … [Read more...] about ThrillerFest Wrap-Up
Kathleen Antrim Talks ThrillerFest
ThrillerFest VI took place at New York City’s Grand Hyatt Hotel between July 6th and 9th, but those few days were nothing compared to the year-long preparation for the event, as well as the far reaching results of throwing authors, agents, editors, publishers, and all-around master craftsmen in the same venue for four days. For many authors, whether they are unpublished … [Read more...] about Kathleen Antrim Talks ThrillerFest