Have you ever said something you later regretted? Daring Fireball’s John Gruber had a moment like this recently when he proclaimed that Apple was responsible for inventing the USB-C standard (forgetting that its creation also included a few other companies, like: AMD, Dell, Foxconn, Google, Hewlett Packard, Intel, Lenovo, Microsoft, Nokia, Samsung, Seagate, Tektronics, Texas instruments and VIA Technologies). As you can likely imagine, the tech community was more than happy to point out his error.
In his own defense, Gruber tried to explain that he didn’t mean to insinuate Apple did it alone (just that they ‘basically did’). He probably could have (should have) stopped there, but he attempted to further clarify his remarks by saying USB-C is a very Apple-like design (because it is a thin, multi-tasking, reversible connector that reduces the ports required on ultra-slim laptops).
When asked why Apple isn’t taking more of the credit for USB-C on their own, Gruber suggests it is all about politics. For the new standard to see widespread adoption, public perception can’t paint this as an ‘Apple technology’.
Truth be told, it is nice to see a high-profile blogger like Gruber making the odd mistake. Unfortunately, enough people heard his initial remarks that this is now a part of Apple’s landscape.
USB-C consolidates a host of other connectors into a single port, including: power, USB, display, HDMI, and VGA. Despite accusations that it will require the purchase of expensive adapters for all of these peripherals, it also opens up a world of possibility for accessories and devices.
Now, if you will permit me to make a (hopeful) observation of my own regarding USB-C: once this technology has been added to upcoming versions of Apple’s iPad, the lack-of-USB-port criticism will hopefully become obsolete.