Barnes and Noble Nook Color SDK for developers released

We first reported on the Nook Color SDK for developers about a…

Tablet running MeeGo appears in Russia

Here is some more tablet news built around an Intel core. This…

CTL 2goPad SL10 Pro tablet for month end delivery

Here is a nice option for those who are looking for a…

Kobo and Swindon team up to bring Kobo Wireless e-Reader to Hong Kong

Kobo – best known for their Kobo line of e-Readers available in most…

Sesame Street eBookstore now offers monthy subscriptions

Sesame Street, a long spanning television series based on great characters with an…

Sylvania’s 7” Android tablet targets the Samsung Galaxy Tab

Samsung’s Galaxy Tab is soon going to have company and competition from…

Smashwords adopts an Agency Model for eBooks

On Wednesday December 1st in an epic Blog Post, Smashwords founder Mark…

Apple patents convertible tablet

Those who are yet not ready to ditch their notebooks completely in…

Samsung Galaxy Tab News

Galaxy Tab to be launched in China in mid December Total sales…

Archos Tablets get Froyo firmware updates

Archos has just given people who own the 28/32/43/70 and 101 owners…

Coby launches Kyros MID7015 Android tablet

The holidays are here and so is the new Kyros MID7015 tablet…

HP Slate is already shipping

The HP Slate had created a flurry of speculation and unbridled interest…

Kobo releases updated version of its Android App

Kobo today released an updated version of its Android Application and one…