Indie Authors Lend Support to Warm Bodies Spreecast

Word has gotten out about the GoodEReader Spreecast with author Isaac Marion,…

Skype for the Blackberry Playbook and BB10 Released Soon

When it comes to the Blackberry Playbook and new Z10 BB10 phone,…

There’s a New Digital Magazine Store in Town – Magzter

According to Magzter, the online magazine store has a user base of 6…

Asus Fonepad Set for MCW Debut

There is a new 7 inch budget tablet coming our way. However,…

Seniors Gravitate Towards eBooks

Seniors are rediscovering their love of prose with the rise of electronic…

A Hard Cover Can Improve Surface Pro Battery Life

The Surface Pro is here, though it isn’t quite making the kind…

Mediology Launch Virtual Bookstand at the Delhi World Book Fair

Mediology, the company that had earned itself a slot among seven global…

China Emerging as a Major Digital Publishing Market

At many of the recent digital publishing and ebook events, a lot…

Why Just Read, When You Can Write with Storybird?

John Biggs for TechCrunch posted an interesting company profile yesterday of children’s…

Rockstand Now Offering eBooks in Indian Regional Languages

Rockstand, the portal that offers luxurious products including ebooks and emagazines, among…

Atavist Offers Whispersync Compatibility with eBooks and Audiobooks

Boutique self-publishing company Atavist has introduced the support for Amazon Whispersync for…

Barnes and Noble Nook HD+ 2.0.6 Update Brings Crisper Fonts

Barnes and Noble has issued a new firmware update for its first…

Zola Books Comes On Board with Warm Bodies Spreecast

A host of zombie-themed sponsors have come together to help GoodEReader stage…