Korean Digital Publishing Platform KakaoPage Taking Over What began as a simple Korean-made app that quickly grew to 70…Mercy Pilkington20 February 2013One comment1 minute read
#IndieReCon Virtual Indie Author Conference – Day Two Yesterday’s kickoff of the first IndieReCon online authors’ conference brought some huge…Mercy Pilkington20 February 2013No comments3 minute read
Introducing the Good e-Reader Kids APP Store for Android Good e-Reader is proud to introduce the only dedicated Android App Store…Michael Kozlowski20 February 2013One comment1 minute read
Ubuntu for Tablet PCs Is Here A presence in the new age tablet computing scene was the last…Sovan Mandal20 February 20132 comments6 minute read
Firefox Update Makes e-Reading Easy with New PDF Viewer Mozilla tends to be the internet browser of choice and is dominating…Michael Kozlowski20 February 2013One comment1 minute read
Freescale Launches Top Tech Pundit 2013 Election The biggest Election of 2013 is about to occur and has reverberating…Michael Kozlowski20 February 2013One comment1 minute read
SPH Magazines Enter the Digital Arena SPH Magazines is one of the largest publishing outfits in Singapore. They…Michael Kozlowski19 February 2013No comments1 minute read
Project Gutenberg Implements Dropbox Support Project Gutenberg is one of the largest websites in the world that…Michael Kozlowski19 February 20132 comments1 minute read
Asus Fonepad Gets CGF Certification An Intel powered tablet running Android from Asus is slated for a MWC…Sovan Mandal19 February 2013One comment1 minute read
eBook Television Commercial Increases Circulation for One Library Libraries tend to rely on word of mouth advertising to promote their…Michael Kozlowski19 February 2013One comment1 minute read
Retina Display for iPad Mini to Cost $12 Extra While the tech world is busy predicting the next logical upgrade for…Sovan Mandal19 February 20133 comments1 minute read
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 Poised to Surpass iPad Mini in Cost Samsung is expected to launch its Galaxy Note 8.0 at the upcoming…Sovan Mandal19 February 20134 comments2 minute read
iRiver Launches WowTab 7 Inch Tablet The Korean company IRiver has now come up with a tablet almost…Sovan Mandal19 February 2013No comments1 minute read