Now that’s how it’s done! A Kindle Fire HD 7″ in one hand, and a Kindle Fire HD 8.9″ in the other. This is why we went to this conference. This was obviously the most anticipated announcement we were waiting for during the afternoon, the release of, not one, but TWO tablets. So let us start with the 7″ The Amazon Kindle HD, which features something spectacular that I think we all take for granted: Wi-Fi. Not only does it support Wi-Fi, but the Kindle Fire HD has 2 Wi-Fi antennas! One for 2.4GHz wireless bands, and the other for 5.0GHz wireless bands. We all know a lot rides on 2.4GHz bands; home phones, cellphones, baby monitors, and even microwaves. So they thought 5.0GHz was the way to go, but why have just one when you could have both.

As you can clearly see, the Amazon Kindle Fire HD is now even more capable than the Nexus 7 for wireless connectivity. It even more impressively trumps the new iPad.

Now let’s talk about POWER.

Both Kindle Fire HD devices are powered by an OMAP4470 Processor, which surprisingly offers more performance than Tegra 3. Here’s how they stack up against each other:

So as you can see, the graphics are going to be wild. The Kindle Fire HD is also the first tablet ever to support Dolby Digital.

And last but not least… (to quote Amazon) “Does all this cost more? You bet. Is it worth it? Absolutely!” The prices are as follows: the Kindle Fire HD 7″ is $199 and the Kindle Fire HD 8.9″ is $299. The crowd applauded as these prices were announced. I was totally shocked at the price tag on these items after sitting through what sounded like a 400$+ tablet. Honestly, these two tablets are going to upend the market! They are powerful, loud, fast, sleek, and most importantly, they are super light… on your wallet.