Harlequin Launches Innovative Rewards Program

Harlequin has just launched a new rewards program in Canada and the…

English Bookstores are Thriving in China

There has been a steady tide of new bookstores opening in China…

Barnes and Noble Closes Luxembourg Offices

Barnes and Noble has decided that international expansion is not apart of…

New Robert Galbraith Novel CAREER OF EVIL Comes Out Oct 22

Author J.K. Rowling has taken to Twitter to announce that a new…

New 50 Shades of Grey Manuscript Stolen

The brand new 50 Shades of Grey title is due out in…

Why Are There Still Issues Facing Self-Published Authors?

It’s literally been years since self-publishing took off in a major way…

Want to Shop Amazon and Buy Indie? There’s an App for That

The entire book selling industry has been disrupted by Amazon selling books…

Amazon Starts Advertising on Shipping Boxes

Amazon ships out 3,300,000 products a day to customers all over the world.  In…

Data Demonstrates Most Well-Read Cities in the US

In a move that’s sure to tick off… well, everyone… Amazon has…

The Best Websites to Discover New Books

Casual readers often face challenges when new books come out by authors…

This Book Grows Into a Tree When you Bury It

A new children’s picture book by a Buenos Aires publisher grows into a tree when…

IndieReader, Melissa Foster Announce 2015 IRDA Winners at BEA

IndieReader, the ultimate consumer guide to discovering and sharing the latest and…

Showrooming is on the Rise and Bookstores Suffer

Showrooming is the process in which people visit their local bookstore to…