People Stop Reading Books in Russia

Moscow is considered to be the most well read city in Russia,…

Dune 50th Anniversary Edition Has Stunning Art

Frank Herbert’s Dune celebrates its 50th Anniversary this year and the Folio…

Do Books Need a Rating System for Kids?

Seven out of ten Americans expect librarians to prevent children from borrowing…

eBooks and print can co-exist

Four years ago there was a lot of panic in the book…

New Hotel in Tokyo Allows you to Sleep in a Bookstore

Many bookstores in Tokyo have adopted cafes so you could have a…

Barnes and Noble is Going to Kill the Nook

The future of Barnes and Noble Nook e-books, e-readers and tablets looks…

Go Set a Watchman Breaks Sales Records at B&N

Barnes and Noble has announced that the new Harper Lee title Go…

Bookstore Sales Up 0.9% in May 2015

Brick and mortar bookstore sales are on the rise for the third…

Barnes and Noble to Form a New Education Company August 2nd

The Barnes and Noble board of directors has approved the spin off…

Ted Cruz Memoir in a Battle with the New York Times

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz has a new memoir has been climbing the…

Authors Unions Petition Justice Department to Investigate Amazon

Amazon is celebrating their 20th anniversary, but not everyone is participating in…

Family Christian Bookstore Trying to Stay in Business

The Family Christian line of bookstores is in deep trouble and they…

EL James Grey Sells 1.1 Million Copies in 4 Days

E.L. James has just released a new book that is entitled Grey.…