recently published two articles about publisher Algonquin, a division of the Workman Group, and its initiative to bring digital customers into their local bookstores. One promotion going on throughout the month of June offers a significantly discounted ebook with the purchase of one of twelve specific Algonquin trade paperbacks at any participating Barnes and … [Read more...] about Interviews with Algonquin on Ebook Bundling
Kathleen Antrim Talks ThrillerFest
ThrillerFest VI took place at New York City’s Grand Hyatt Hotel between July 6th and 9th, but those few days were nothing compared to the year-long preparation for the event, as well as the far reaching results of throwing authors, agents, editors, publishers, and all-around master craftsmen in the same venue for four days. For many authors, whether they are unpublished … [Read more...] about Kathleen Antrim Talks ThrillerFest
CreateSpace Produces Some Freaks, in a Good Way
When you stumble across a writer whose book is titled, The Freak Factor, you can’t not ask him about it. But be forewarned, you’re also going to hear about the sequel, The Freak Factory. “I wrote The Freak Factor and named my website that because I learned from an early age that I was not normal,” Dave Rendall, author and speaker, explains. “I got in trouble a lot while … [Read more...] about CreateSpace Produces Some Freaks, in a Good Way
David Gatward Lets Kids Jump into Classic Books with Booksurfers
Young Adult author David Gatward is writing a new series of ebooks featuring 4 young kids who are kidnapped by a nefarious criminal Dr Crookshanks and his accomplice, Professor Kaufman. They are forced to jump "into" the classic adventure stories to steal famous fictional artifacts such as the map in Treasure Island, using a gadget called the Nautilus. This new series of … [Read more...] about David Gatward Lets Kids Jump into Classic Books with Booksurfers
Sarah Renee Sees No Barriers for Indie Authors
One of the characteristics of self-publishing that has led to the growth of indie publishing opportunities is that the barriers which once prevented writers from publishing their works are being stripped away, one by one. In decades past it was inaccessibility; literally, just geography stopped writers around the world from finding representation. Within some corners of the … [Read more...] about Sarah Renee Sees No Barriers for Indie Authors
The Role of Blogging in Digital and Indie Publishing
GoodEReader has posted several very informative articles that seek to educate authors of every ilk, whether they are traditionally published through a major publishing house with a four-book deal, self-published through an independent press, or have recently converted a manuscript to electronic format and uploaded it to an online site guided only by their own ability. While … [Read more...] about The Role of Blogging in Digital and Indie Publishing
Kobo Planning eBook Lending and Self-Publishing Service
We talked with the CEO of Kobo Michael Serbinis recently at Book Expo New York and he dropped some bombshells on new plans for his company later on this year. It seems Kobo is preparing both ebook lending and a portal for authors to submit their own ebooks to be listed in the Kobo ebook store. Kobo has been one of the darlings of the ebook and e-reader industry with 3 … [Read more...] about Kobo Planning eBook Lending and Self-Publishing Service
Good e-Reader Exclusive – Pixel Qi Demonstrates Screen technology and announces New Partners at Computex 2011
We caught up with Mary Lou Jepsen, the CEO of Pixel Qi and John Ryan who walked us through some of the new products and screen technology the company has been working on. The company has been working fervently on the next generation of Pixel Qi technology to provide a low power, high resolution display panels. They also showed us some new devices hitting the market soon that … [Read more...] about Good e-Reader Exclusive – Pixel Qi Demonstrates Screen technology and announces New Partners at Computex 2011
Interview with Christophe Maire CEO of Txtr
During our stay in Taipei, Taiwan for Computex, we have been previewing the very latest in tablet computers and e-readers. We bumped into the CEO of Txtr Christophe Maire and the Chief Commercial Officer Thomas Leliveld and talked about their company's current state of affairs and what the future may hold. Txtr was first known on the international scene with their e-reader … [Read more...] about Interview with Christophe Maire CEO of Txtr
Indie Authors Send Their Digital Works to the Troops
Ask any soldier who is stationed in a forward war zone what the real danger is, and he will likely tell you it’s boredom. Nothing happens for long periods of time, but a soldier must always be ready for something horrible to happen, at any time. U.S. soliders stationed in the Middle East have found creative ways to fill the hours, and in a locale where English-language books … [Read more...] about Indie Authors Send Their Digital Works to the Troops