Today at Book EXPO America in New York city Mercy Pilkington conducted an exclusive interview with Tanya Wright - best known as Deputy Kenya Jones on HBO‘s True Blood and Maria Murnane in their new eBooks! The ladies were attending Book Expo to promote Create Space and talk about their adventures in the world of self-publishing. We talked to them extensively about their new … [Read more...] about Interview with Tanya Wright of True Blood and Maria Murnane at BOOK EXPO
Exclusive Interview with Kobo CEO Michael Serbinis at BEA2011
During the last few days one of the largest publishing and digital publishing events in the world, Book Expo America, introduced a number of different products to the public. During this event both Barnes & Noble and Kobo debuted touchscreen e-readers. We are very happy to bring to you an exclusive interview with the Kobo CEO Michael Serbinis. He sat down today with us … [Read more...] about Exclusive Interview with Kobo CEO Michael Serbinis at BEA2011
Copia Takes Social Reading to the Next Level
The newest reader-driven trend in digital reading is the ability to utilize apps and platforms that allow the reader to interact with an online community of fellow readers while they enjoy a good book. Kobo’s Reading Life app, now the highest rated e-reading app in the iTunes store and enjoying the highest user ratings from any reading software, allows its readers to track … [Read more...] about Copia Takes Social Reading to the Next Level
24 Symbols Brings the Cloud to eBooks
One of the unsung presenters at the IDPF Digital Book Conference was Justo Hidalgo, from 24 Symbols. He spoke briefly during the Breakthrough Business Models keynote, but as far as business concepts go, 24 Symbols may be the next great thing in e-reading. They don’t sell an e-reader device or convert formats. They don’t even sell e-books to their users. They sell the ability … [Read more...] about 24 Symbols Brings the Cloud to eBooks
Small Press Publishing Lets Tess Hardwick Be Herself
Glance through the shelves of any bookstore and you’ll find that readers like their books in nice, neat rows, labeled by genre. And to some extent, it is very comforting to know that when you buy the next book by your favorite author, you will have at least some vague idea of what to expect. Authors have long been classified by genre, but in the current era of indie … [Read more...] about Small Press Publishing Lets Tess Hardwick Be Herself
Smashwords Mission is to Reach All Authors
There are undoubtedly a large number of companies available to authors who wish to self-publish or digitally publish their works, each offering its own unique features for writers. Smashwords founder Mark Coker, who co-wrote a novel Boob Tube, with his wife, was fortunate enough to find a literary agent from a very well-known New York agency, but after two years of … [Read more...] about Smashwords Mission is to Reach All Authors
Interview with eBook lending site ‘eBook Fling’
eBook Fling is one of the new kids on the block in terms of eBook lending sites. They specialize in support for both the Kindle and Nook full line of e-readers and their supported applications. Within just a few weeks of launching, their site reached over 10,000 members. Anna De Souza of eBook Fling explains her company as "an e-book swapping community that helps people get … [Read more...] about Interview with eBook lending site ‘eBook Fling’
Interview with Chandra Rathakrishnan – CEO of Fusion Garage
A few months ago we interviewed Chandra Rathakrishnan CEO of Fusion Garage which released their JooJoo Tablet PC earlier in the year. This was a Good E-Reader Magazine Exclusive. For the latest interviews with some of the industries top CEO's subscribe to the Good E-Reader Magazine today! JooJoo puts the magic of the internet at your fingertips. joojoo is a … [Read more...] about Interview with Chandra Rathakrishnan – CEO of Fusion Garage
Interview with Rohan Shravan CEO of Notion Ink
We conducted this interview last May, which was included in our May Edition of the Good E-Reader Magazine! We interviewed the CEO of Notion Ink - Rohan Shravan about their upcoming Notion Ink Adam Tablet PC. Tell us a bit about the Notion Ink Adam. Notion Ink is a firm for Innovation. Very very young and very different. Average age of employees is 22 years! Based out of … [Read more...] about Interview with Rohan Shravan CEO of Notion Ink