Yes, a growing number of people read ebooks on their smartphones. It’s a surprise that computers are ahead of smartphones when it comes to reading ebooks. And tablets are as popular as e-readers for digital book reading.
This is surprising in the age when e-readers are becoming more advanced and popular than ever before. E-readers are devices intended for digital book reading. These are known for high resolution, no strain on the eyes, and a paper-like reading experience. On top of that, these devices are becoming more affordable compared to yesteryears.
Despite these perks, people are reading more on smartphones, tablets, and computers. Why?
Well, in my opinion, this could be because:
- Smartphones are all-in-one devices. People don’t want to carry a smartphone for calling, chatting, and emailing and a separate e-reader for book reading.
- Phones, tablets, and laptops come with larger, high-resolution screens. So, screen size and resolution is not key differentiator between mobile devices and e-readers.
- Today, people spend most of their time on smartphones or computers. So, they don’t want to be bothered about turning on their e-readers when they can read whatever they want on the devices they already have in their hands. This is especially true for tablet/laptop/computer users.
- Ebook reading apps make it easier to read on smartphones and tablets.
An article posted by Just Publishing Advice shows the conclusion of various survey data on ebook reading device usage:
Image credit: justpublishingadvice
But regardless of these stats, I think e-readers make logical sense for avid readers, those who spend more than an hour reading ebooks every day or are involved in prolonged reading. Admit it or not, e-readers are better for eye health when compared with smartphones.
If you ask me to vote for one of these – smartphone, tablet, computer, or e-reader – I’d choose e-readers. Even though I don’t read every day, I know these are best for an authentic book-reading experience, like physical books.
Now, I’ve one more thing to tell you – printed books are preferred over ebooks. This is so because physical books give a more comfortable, tangible, and nostalgic reading experience.
What is your preferred device for reading ebooks? Would love to hear from you.
Navkiran Dhaliwal is a seasoned content writer with 10+ years of experience. When she's not writing, she can be found cooking up a storm or spending time with her dog, Rain.