Wattpad has launched Wattpad Originals, a new paid content model for balancing free and paid access for authors and readers. With a catalog of Wattpad’s most popular stories, Wattpad Originals replaces Paid Stories with a model that enables readers to pay to read ahead or wait to read for free. The new model will provide a better balance for readers and authors, giving more opportunities to build fandoms and reading communities while also making money.
Wattpad Originals is the latest in a series of strategic moves from Wattpad to help writers build global fandoms and monetize their work. Recent writer-success initiatives include a new Publishing Scheduler Tool, a revamped Creators Program and new educational resources, including the Story School series.
At a time when the Creator Economy continues to expand and mature, follow their sister platform WEBTOON, which uses a similar model with great success. This is Wattpad’s first major paid content update since launching Paid Content in 2019.
In tandem with this new program, Wattpad is sharing new creator payout metrics. Wattpad’s on-platform opportunities have paid out nearly $10M to authors in the last five years alone.
Wattpad says that writers are the cornerstone of their business. Whether it’s connecting authors with sponsored brand deals or providing a pathway to TV, film and book deals with Wattpad WEBTOON Studios, the platform is committed to providing new ways for authors to earn money from their work.
Navkiran Dhaliwal is a seasoned content writer with 10+ years of experience. When she's not writing, she can be found cooking up a storm or spending time with her dog, Rain.