The digital publishing and sharing platform Issuu who made headlines for the ability to create virtual “stacks” of content for reading and sharing, as well as for its 20,000 uploads of new content each day, announced this morning that it has released its Android app on the Google Play store.
“Today for the first time Issuu readers can carry 15 million magazines on their favorite Android device and discover content from hundreds of thousands of global publishers,” said Joe Hyrkin, CEO of Issuu. “The new app was designed from the pixels up to offer the world’s best mobile reading experience. And, with the massive depth and breadth of content on Issuu there is something for the enthusiast in everyone.”
Hyrkin sat down with Good e-Reader prior to the launch to talk about why this is an important step for content creators and readers.
“We’re launching this really amazing Android version of Issuu and it’s a huge next step for us. Now anybody who has an Android-powered tablet or phone, anywhere in the world, can dive into this world of content. We have 80 million unique visitors a month, over 15 million publications, and for the first time those publications are available at the click of a button with an Android device.
“What really matters to me and to our readers and publishers is it’s one more step that enables [publishers] to move their content to the platform. It’s shareable, embeddable, and distributable. When we talk about these 15 million publications, there’s going to be content that people are enthusiastic about within this whole spectrum of ideas.”
With the launch of the app, users can also sync their desktop or laptop reading with the device for portable consumption, as well as browse through an immense catalog of content through search features. Issuu made a name for itself early on for providing off-the-beaten path content, much of it created and uploaded by small companies who would have found that digital publishing to tablets to be prohibitively expensive. At the same time, names like Ariana Huffington are partnering with Issuu to make their content available.
“We are excited to partner with ISSUU to extend the reach of Huffington magazine to allow an even wider audience to engage with the best of The Huffington Post.” Arianna Huffington, editor-in-chief Huffington Post Media Group.
Mercy Pilkington is a Senior Editor for Good e-Reader. She is also the CEO and founder of a hybrid publishing and consulting company.