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Paris-based Marie Lebert has just published this new encyclopedia on Project Gutenberg. You can find it, in many formats, here. It’s a most interesting work and contains a lot of information that is new to me. A great reference work. Here is the Table of Contents:

1974 > The internet “took off”
1990 > The invention of the web
1990 > The LINGUIST List
1991 > From ASCII to Unicode
1994 > Travlang, travel and languages
1995 > The Internet Dictionary Project
1995 > NetGlos, a glossary of the internet
1995 > Various languages on our screen
1995 > Global Reach, promoting localization
1996 > OneLook Dictionaries, a “fast finder”
1997 > 82.3% of the web in English
1997 > The internet, a tool for minority languages
1997 > A European terminology database
1997 > Babel Fish, a free translation software
1997 > The tools of the translation company Logos
1997 > Specialized terminology databases
1998 > The need for a “linguistic democracy”
1999 > Bilingual dictionaries in
1999 > The internet, a mandatory tool for translators
1999 > The need for bilingual information online
2000 > Online encyclopedias and dictionaries
2000 > The web portal
2000 > Project Gutengerg and languages
2001 > Wikipedia, a collaborative encyclopedia
2001 > UNL, a digital metalanguage project
2001 > A market for language translation software
2004 > The web 2.0, community and sharing
2007 > The ISO 639-3 standard to identify languages
2007 > Google Translate
2009 > 6,909 languages in the Ethnologue
2010 > A UNESCO atlas for endangered languages