uk authors
A new report by internationally available self-publishing platform Blurb Books led to news that a surprising number of citizens in the UK have made self-publishing a book part of their immediate life goals. While the numbers were somewhat divided on what type of books they’re interested in creating, publishing is on their radar nonetheless.

According to an article by Toma Sukyte for Female First, as many as 28% of those surveyed claimed they were at least interested in self-publishing a book of some kind. The article narrowed that number down even further by saying that as many as one fifth of those would-be authors are interested in publishing a cookbook of some kind. Ten percent of the survey respondents have already published a full-color book of some kind, according to Blurb Books, who specializes in art, photography, and illustrated self-publishing.

Other popular projects on the minds of those surveyed are family history books, which traditionally are frowned on by the US traditional publishing industry, as well as children’s books. But what is more interesting is not so much what Brits want to publish, but why.

“It’s the enjoyment factor of self-publishing that is Brits’ primary reason to put pen to paper; half think it would be fun to self-publish (51%), one third (3%) think their lives have given them great content and they have a great story to tell and over a quarter (27%) long to do something more interesting than their day job. Making money is only the fourth most popular reason to self-publish (24%).”

Unfortunately, nearly half of the respondents who stated they would like to self-publish a book went on to say that they wouldn’t know where to begin the process and doubt their own ability to do so. This makes authors easy targets for self-publishing companies that take advantage, both in terms of authors’ works and their wallets.

is a Senior Editor for Good e-Reader. She is also the CEO and founder of a hybrid publishing and consulting company.