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Jim Hilt, Barnes and Noble’s Vice President of ebooks, gave a presentation at Digital Book World today that explored some interesting data on how readers—either tablet or dedicated device users—browse and discover new books. With the advent of online book shopping, whether consumers choose to buy print or digital editions, the standard genres and categories that book publishers and book sellers once relied upon aren’t sufficient.

Hilt spoke to Good e-Reader about this need to base discovery on readers’ interests rather than categories, especially when online platforms allow highly specified keyword and topic searching. He also discussed some of the considerations that Barnes and Noble is working with to expand Nook use in foreign markets, the work that B&N is doing with Nook Video, as well as how B&N plans to address the needs of Nook e-reader users while keeping up with the growing number of consumers who are exploring the options provided by tablets.

is a Senior Editor for Good e-Reader. She is also the CEO and founder of a hybrid publishing and consulting company.