Kobo has an impressive array of eBook reading devices and can be the best choice if you are not too convinced with what Amazon has to offer. Also, similar to a Kindle, the Kobo too have a repertoire of hidden features that isn’t perceptible right away. Here are a few such features that you sure will love to know more about. Read on!

1. Long press

A long press on various parts of the E Ink display of the Kobo can throw up different options. For instance, a long press on a word while reading an eBook will show the definition of the particular word. That is not all as you will also have the option to add a note or highlight the portion within the eBook.

Similarly, a long press on any of the titles in the My Books section will show options Read Now, View Details, Add to collection, Mark as unread, and Mark as finished. Finally, there is the Remove option.

2. Bring in more fonts

The Kobo e-reader, by default, comes with 11 fonts. That said, you aren’t just restricted to those as there sure are ways to add more. Those even include the Ember and Bookerly fonts that the Kindle offers. Here is how you can add more fonts.

  1. Connect your Kobo e-reader to a computer via USB cable.
  2. If it’s a PC, launch File Explorer, or open Finder if it is a Mac.
  3. Locate and double-click on your Kobo device to have access to its storage.
  4. Create a new folder in Kobo and name it ‘Fonts‘.
  5. Copy and paste any font in this folder.
  6. Disconnect your Kobo from the PC or Mac and restart it.
  7. Once it has restarted, the Kobo will be able to identify the fonts you have just added.

3. Change default navigation

Tapping the left portion of the display will launch the previous page while tapping on the right will take you a page ahead. Tapping in the middle will throw up the reading menu. While that’s pretty much normal, there still is the option to change the style. Here are the steps.

  1. On the Home screen, tap on More > Settings > Reading settings.
  2. Here, you will have the option to change on-screen controls.
  3. Select from any of the four variations available.

4. Select Large Print mode

Kobo e-readers offer a Large Print mode which can be handy for users with visual disabilities or for those who’d simply prefer a larger print. Here are the steps.

  1. On the Home screen, tap on More.
  2. Tap on Settings > Beta features.
  3. For the ‘Large Print Mode’, tap on the checkbox to invoke the feature.
  4. A slider appears at the bottom that will allow you to adjust the font size.
  5. Drag the slider to get to the font size you’d prefer.
  6. Once you are done, tap on X at the top right corner for your settings to be saved and take effect.

The above applies to the font used in the main interface, the dialog boxes, and the menu options. To increase the font size of the eBook,

  1. Tap on the top of the page.
  2. Tap on the Aa
  3. On the Font Size slider that appears, adjust the slider to suit your preference.

5. Save selected words

As discussed before, long-pressing on a word will let you have the definition of the word. There is the Dictionary option to explore the word further on the web or Wikipedia. However, Kobo also allows you to save such words just in case you’d need them. Mentioned here are the steps to do that.

  1. From the Home screen, tap on the More option > Beta Features.
  2. Tap on the checkbox under My Words.

With this done, you will get to see the option ‘Add to My Words’ included in the pop-up dialog box that gets displayed each time you long-press on a word to see its definition.

6. Install Calibre app on your computer

Calibre is an e-book manager application that comes free. While that should be enticing enough to have it on your PC or Mac, you will soon fall in love with it given the several features that it offers. For instance, with the Calibre app, you can change the metadata stored with the eBook, which includes changing the cover image of the eBooks as well.

Plus, you also have the option to change the format of the eBook to the one that is compatible with your Kobo. That is not all as you can change the eBook formatting to introduce line spacing or paragraph style you’d prefer.

However, installing the Kobo plug-in is highly recommended for complete control over your Kobo.

  1. For that, launch Calibre and open the Preferences
  2. Select the ‘Get plug-ins to enhance Calibre’
  3. Search for the Kobo plug-in.
  4. Once it is installed, restart Calibre for the changes to take effect.

7. Play games on the Kobo

This might seem the most outlandish thing to do on a device that prides on being a dedicated eBook reader, but that definitely is a reality. For that, go to the Discover tab. Next, search the store for ‘devmodeon’. This enables the developer mode on your Kobo.

  1. Once you have been through this, go to the Home
  2. Tap on More > Beta Features.
  3. Here, you will get to see four games – Sudoku, Unblock It, Solitaire, and Word Scramble.
  4. Then, there is a Sketch Pad app too where you can bring to life your inner artist.

Note: To exit Developer mode, the steps are the same, except that you have to search the Kobo Store for ‘devmodeoff‘ this time.

Senior Writer at Good e-Reader | sovy@goodereader.com

With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.