kobo vox books

Many people are running into a common issue where they cannot copy books they have purchased from other ebook stores to their Kobo Vox e-Reader. This is mainly attributed to the fact that the company’s latest device is incompatible with Adobe Digital Editions, which is a commonly used program to transfer your DRM books. This tutorial outlines the necessary steps you need to take to ensure that you can read your books.

The Kobo Vox uses the common EPUB format found in many book stores, such as Barnes and Noble, Borders, Smashwords, and other sites. When you purchase a book from a store, it is normally encrypted with DRM or Digital Rights Management. This makes it hard to use programs such as Calibre or Windows Explorer to facilitate the transfer of protected books.

In order to copy over books to your new Kobo Vox e-reader you will need to use a free Android e-Reading program named Aldiko. You can download the program directly to your Kobo Vox by downloading it from our comprehensive list of Essential Android Apps. Simply open the link in your internet browser in your Vox and it will prompt you to install it on your device. Then you are ready to import your books. I would recommend to copy your books to the SD Card in order to make your life easier.

When you open up Aldiko on the main home screen you want to tap SD CARD. Navigate to the folder that contains the books you want to copy over. Then you want to select the book you want to import by tapping it. Once you do this you will be greeted by two different options: open or import. Use open. You will then be prompted for a username and password.  The user name is the name on the credit card associated with your ebook purchase.  The password is the credit card number itself, no spaces. Once you are able to open up your book you need to then import it on your Vox. Go back to the homescreen now, click on SD Card, and find the book you were just working with. Instead of opening it, now you want to use the Import option.

This is all you need to do in order to copy over Nook Books or other ebooks you have purchased from other ebook stores in EPUB format. If you have any questions or concerns please REPLY to this thread and we can assist you further. We will also be filming a video tutorial soon that will document this entire process on our Youtube Channel.

Editor-in-chief | michael@goodereader.com

Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.