The Quirklogic Papyr is one of the most interesting 13.3 inch e-notes on the market. Not only can you freehand draw, take notes and edit PDF files, but also share everything in real time. Digital content can be shown off on other Quirklogic Papyrs, the smartphone app for Android/IOS or even the Quirklogic Quilla, their 5k digital whiteboard. The Papyr came out a couple of months ago and has received its first firmware. With this latest update, users can work even more efficiently with the addition of split screen functionality, faster PDF loading time, and improved pen speed. Easily reference and notate all on one device, on one screen.
Papyr 1.1 Changelog
- Split screen: Users will be able to select “Split Screen” from the main menu which will allow them to open two workbooks side by side.
- Swap screen: Users will be able to swap the location the workbooks open in Split Screen.
- Open last accessed page: Users will see that upon a re-open of a workbook, they will be taken to the last accessed page.
- Improved PDF experience: Users will see a notable improvement in the PDF performance for page turns, and will no longer see ”Loading” on PDF pages.
- Pen performance improvement: Ongoing improvements are made for pen performance.
- Insert a blank page update: Users that add a blank page will now see that the page gets added after the current page and not at the end of the workbook.
- New update option: Users will now be able to see if release updates are available through the Home button.
- Hide toolbar: Users can hide the toolbar both on the main screen as well as in split screen mode.
Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.