Are you looking for an enticing story with amazing visuals, cool character designs, a good mood setter as well as something deep and heart felt? Well, if you are a fan of Visual Novels, you need to check out M-Vizlab (Modern Visual Arts Laboratory)’s Lucy ~The Eternity She Wished For~.
The story is as follows: ‘In the near future, androids have become the way of the norm. Emotionless husks of metal have become a part of human society, much to the dismay of the boy. The robot he found at the dump site though, this one was different. It laughed, it cried, it smiled, it has dreams, just like a human…’
The game was originally released back in 2010 and received high praise among the Korean community for it’s wonderful story telling. M-Vizlab is now currently in the works of remaking this beautiful game with updated graphics and bonus scenarios and is targeting the international audience. The game has been fully and successfully funded on Kickstarter and has been greenlit on Steam! The VN will also be released on IOS devices some time in the future, however there has been no word as of yet for an Android version release. We will just have to cross our fingers for now!
The team had invested over 100 plus hours into the original game, meeting, writing, drawing and coding, all without seeing a single paycheck. You gotta love that kind of dedication, and it certainly looks like it’s paying off. To the faithful Visual Novelists, this will be a game you need to have in your library!
If you’d like to check it out for yourself, you can visit their Steam Page and their Kickstarter.
Thi Lathi Chao is a graduate from Vancouver Fine Arts College and reports for Good e-Reader on all of the latest anime and manga news. In her off hours, she is enamored with playing games, drawing and writing short stories.