iReader has announced the launch of its new iReader Smart X3 PRO Digital Paper and e-notebook. It is using the new Carta 1300 panel, which boasts a 27 percent improvement in response speed and a 20 percent increase in contrast vs Carta 1200, so this device will have truer blacks, better grayscale and pictures will look better. This device supports full English, so it will be tremendously relevant for a North American crowd.
iReader is really hyping up the AI elements of this e-note and e-reader. It uses AI to remove ghosting by 60% vs competing products and enhances the contrast and clarity of fonts and pictures globally. They are also claiming that that the refresh modes will automatically engage and switch, based on the type of task you are doing, such as using apps, browsing the internet, loading up a complex PDF file. This entire process will see a 50% quality boost. If you use the microphone to take meeting notes, the AI will help index them and keep track of everything.
The iReader X features a 10.65-inch E INK Carta 1300 e-paper display with a resolution of 2560 x 1920 pixels and 300 PPI pixel density. The screen aspect ratio is 4:3.There is also 256 levels of Gray scale. This devices colour scheme is onyx black and the screen is flush with the bezel and protected by a layer of glass. It as a WACOM screen, so you use any enabled stylus to draw, take notes or edit PDF files.There is 4096 degrees of pressure sensitivity and the screen has palm rejection. It comes with the brand new x-pen 5, with tilt-recognition, eraser, and 360 sample rates per second.
It has both a front-lit display and colour temperature system, so it has around 40 white and amber LED lights. The official announcement highlights the all-new upgraded reading light, meticulously tuned over three months with dozens of adjustments. The light temperature is set at 3900K, making the front light emitted during reading closer to natural daylight, providing a more warm and comfortable experience when reading with the light on.
What I like about the X3 is that is designed to be an e-note and also an e-reader. It has two page-turn buttons on the front, so you can use these to turn the pages of books or PDF files. The buttons are also be key-mapped in the settings menu, so they can do different things depending on long presses. If it also running Android 11, so you can sideload in your own apps, but does not have access to the Google Play Store, so you would want to install the Samsung Galaxy Store or Amazon App Store. There is also a dark mode for reading books.
Underneath the hood is a octa-core processor, 4 GB of RAM, and 64 GB of storage space. You can connect to the internet via WIFI and listen to audiobooks, music and podcasts via Bluetooth 5.0. It has a gravity sensor, so it will automatically rotate from landscape to portrait mode. You can charge the device and also transfer data with the USB-C port. It has a 4,000 mAh battery. The dimensions are 243.5x191x5.8mm and weighs 359 g