Magzter has just revised their complete line of digital magazine apps with a new interface. It has a new layout, design and functionality, making it article-focused, not title-focused. Articles will be optimized to your device. No more PDF’d stories that are clunky to navigate and hard to read.
With the brand-new Magzter 6.0, you can explore single articles or read full magazines – all in one place. This new curated article reading experience is available across your favorite topics comparable to playlist services like iTunes, Spotify, Netflix and Amazon. Articles are updated daily based on current trends and hot topics.
New Magzter 6.0 features and benefits for readers include:
- Single Articles: No more browsing through a full magazine to find the content you want to read. With Magzter 6.0 you get instant access to a curated set of new articles from some of your favorite magazines, categorized by topic or keywords. Using Magzter’s proprietary software, these articles are optimized for whatever device you’re on, a feature available only with Magzter.
- Smart Search: Magzter’s Global Search asks you, “what do you want to read today?” Type in your interest to find any relevant articles or full titles, available through Magzter. Also, Magzter’s search engine offers trending keywords, updated daily, for users to get started immediately. You can also save and follow keywords to keep up-to-date on any new content.
- Offline Reading: While reading single articles, you can save them for offline reading within the Magzter app. Magzter also now auto saves the articles while you’re reading them, just in case you lose a connection while on-the-go.
- Share Options: Magzter creates a universal link that lets your friends open the articles you’ve shared in their browser or through the Magzter app. Magzter has also enhanced the “Clipping” feature, letting you clip any part of a magazine to save, share with friends through text, email, WhatsApp, or post to Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.
- New Layout: Magzter is now completely redesigned into three sections to give you the best possible reading experience: Articles, Magazines and My Collections.
Download Magzter for Android from the Good e-Reader App Store.
Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.