Today Apple has released the long awaited iPad 4.2 update to the iPad that brings a unified email inbox, folders and multitasking.
With the new iOS update for the iPad users can now easily switch between programs instantly and run more then one at the same time. You can now stream your favorite internet radio station, such as Pandora and do other things while not missing a beat.
Another new exciting feature is the unified email inbox, that allows all email accounts to be amalgamated in a common inbox, that should make checking more then 1 email accounts easier then ever before.
There is also a new feature called Air Play, which provided you have a Apple TV subscription and box allows you to stream media from your iPad right to your TV, wirelessly.
For those of you that wished the iPad supported wireless printing you are in luck! This update now is allowing users to print wirelessly to devices that have AirPrint enabled. Currently only a few AirPrint printers exist, HP boasts around 8 of them currently for sale, or coming out soon.
If gaming is your thing, Game Center is Apples answer to the burdening movement of Xbox live enabled phones, that allow you to track achievements and find multi-player matches with Game Center supported games from the App Store.
Some cool little security programs were also released with this update, such as Find my iPad, if you loose your device, you can track it via a map, or lock the device so it needs a password to access it. There is tons of other new updates to the calender, Safari updates and much more!
Apple chief executive Steve Jobs said the upgraded software, which can be downloaded for free from online entertainment store iTunes, “makes the iPad a completely new product.”
“The iPad with iOS 4.2 will define the target that other tablets will aspire to, but very few, if any, will ever be able to hit,” Jobs said in a statement.
The update is now live to Europeans and people in the USA and Canada! Its big, over 512 Megs, but with all of the updated applications and support, you should download it ASAP via iTunes.
Update: On the heels of the latest update 4.2, Apple has pushed through an update to 4.2.1 which is mainly security updates that revolve around the Webkit and preventing hackers from executing malicious code.
Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.