There seems to be a Galaxy Tab 10.1 soon to be launched exclusively in Asia. This stems from the fact that Samsung has recently got past the FCC its latest version of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 Android tablet. Designated by the model number SHW-M300S, the new Galaxy Tab 10.1 will be compatible with GSM 1900 band that is used by several carriers that operate out of Asia. However the same band is also in use in Europe as well as the USA though Bluetooth listings for the latest version of the Galaxy Tab indicate its likely area of operation within the Asian circle.
However, while almost everything else about the tablet is likely to be the same as those that has gone on sale in the US or Europe, one will have to wait a bit for the specific details to emerge. The same applies to other aspects such as the likely launch date or price of the tablet. In any case, Samsung in not likely to waste too much time with the new tablet version’s launch as it continues to push launch of the Galaxy Tab worldwide.
via wirelessgoodness
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.