After quite a few back to back tablet launches in the budget segment, tablet PC enthusiasts in India can now look forward to the ThinkPad and IdeaPad tablet PCs from Lenovo with both the tablet range now having made it to the Indian retail scene. In all, its three tablet PCs that Lenovo has come to offer, which comprises of the IdeaPad K1, Thinkpad and the IdeaPad A1. Screen size range from 7 inches to 10.1 inches while price varies from Rs. 14,990 to all the way up to Rs. 46,900 for the highest speced model. Similarly, the operating system options include the latest Android Honeycomb to Android Gingerbread.
Now coming to the tablets in a bit more details:
IdeaPad A1:
The IdeaPad A1 is the cheapest and smallest of the lot, with a display area of 7 inches and a price of Rs. 14,990. The IdeaPad A1 is also the only tablet to run Android Gingerbread while the rest of the spec sheet includes a 1 GHz TI OMAP A8 processor, 512 MB RAM, 2 GB of internal memory, a micro SD slot, along with a 7 inch 1024 x 600 resolution display. The IdeaPad A1 also boasts of GPS, Bluetooth, and WiFi while on the camera side, there is a 3 megapixel setup at the rear along with a 0.3 megapixel unit at the front.
IdeaPad K1:
The IdeaPad K1 is a 10 inch tablet for the general consumer and runs Android Honeycomb. Also, with Android Honey being the default OS, the usual Honeycomb related specs are all too evident in the tablet with 1 GHz Nvidia Tegra 2 dual core ARM Cortex A9 processor, 1 GB RAM, 32 GB of on board storage, which is further expandable via a microSD card slot.
The rest of the spec sheet for the IdeaPad K1 include WiFi b/g/n, optional WCDMA, a micro HDMI slot, and an optional keyboard dock. Plus there is also an audio out port along with an integrated microphone with twin 0.5W speakers. Then there is also a 5 megapixel camera at the rear while on the front of the tablet lies a 2 megapixel camera.
Also, a unique aspect of the IdeaPad K1 is its capacitive touch screen display that Lenovo has said is receptive to 10 point multi-touch inputs while its makers also claim will have enough juice to support up to 10 hours of tablet usage. The IdeaPad K1 will also come pre-loaded with 40 apps aimed specifically towards its Indian clients. The tablet also comes in 4 attractive color options of silver white, black, red and grey while the tablet as a whole also sports an pleasing exterior design. The IdeaPad K1 though is slightly on the heavier side with a weight of about 750 gms.
IdeaPad K1 has been priced at Rs. 29,500 for the Wi-Fi only version while the 3G + Wi-Fi version will set one back by Rs, 33,900, both featuring a 32 GB internal memory.
The ThinkPad is another tablet running Android Honeycomb and sports specs similar to the IdeaPad K1 with the major difference being that the former being designed for corporate usage. General specifications of the ThinkPad include a 10.1 WXGA 1280 x 800 pixel display that has been rendered extra durability with the use of scratch resistant Corning Gorilla Glass. The tablet features NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual-core processor, 1 GB RAM, and 32 GB internal memory with the latter further expandable with the use of (full size) SD cards. While still on ports, the ThinkPad also includes a full size USB port as well as a mini-HDMI slot that would enable its users to connect to external projectors and displays. These apart, the ThinkPad comes with the usual tablet features such as WiFi b/g/n, optional WCDMA, a 5 megapixel camera at the rear and a 2 megapixel camera at the front. The tablet also features built-in Adobe Flash support.
However, what makes the ThinkPad special to its intended business clientele are a variety of software support all aimed at making things a lot easier for the enterpreuners. Like the tablet will come pre-loaded with the Documents to Go app that will let users to edit all Microsoft Office documents on the ThinkPad. along with enterprise friendly features likeCisco VPN and encrypted SD card support.
The ThinkPad also boasts of ‘Computrace’ — a unique feature that is designed to let users trace their tablets it it ever gets lost or stolen. Or if the tablet cannot be retrieved, users still can be rest assured of their data falling in the wrong hands by remotely freezing the device or even delete all data contained in it remotely in extreme cases. Another feature that the ThinkPad comes with is the Citrix Receiver which allows its users to access desktop PCs remotely and run applications there as if its running in the tablet itself.
The ThinkPad comes with an optional digitiser pen and 2 GB of free cloud storage while cost wise, the ThinkPad will set one back by:
> Rs. 29,500 for the 16 GB Wi-Fi only version,
> Rs. 41,900 for the 32 GB Wi-Fi + 3G version,
> Rs. 46,900 for the 64 GB Wi-Fi + 3G version.
Availability dates of all the tablets has been kept under cover as of now.
via tmi
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.