Its really good to see Motorola keeping its promise that it had made while launching the XOOM almost seven months ago. The company has earlier made the SD card slot functional via a software upgrade while the upgrade to 4G LTE is now being worked out with help from Verizon. However, what is even better is that Motorola is also upgrading the first Honeycomb tablet to make it compliant with Android 3.2.2, the latest version of Honeycomb.
So while all that is associated with Honeycomb 3.2.2 will also be evident in the XOOM, the best part of it all is that the entire operation has made the SD card slot fully functional. What the last bit means is that users will now be able to both read from and write to the SD card slot while working on the XOOM. Then the new Android Market also come pre-loaded on the XOOM.
All this really makes the XOOM enticing once again though news of a new XOOM 2 being developed will certainly prompt many to hold off from actually purchasing one. This since the new XOOM 2 will surely come with all the features that is now been provided to the XOOM plus some more. As for price, Motorola has already learned it lesson and let’s hope wisdom plays its part while the XOOM 2 is priced.
Family Edition pack launched
Meanwhile, in another development, a whole new version of the XOOM (a “Family Edition”) has popped up on the retail scene in America. Motorola’s way of making their tablet a “Family Edition” version is by enhancing its appeal to the younger minds. Also for this, $40 worth of software has been included in the package to justify the new ‘Kid Mode’ that the tablet boasts of. Kids will surely enjoy the fun and educational games the XOOM will come pre-loaded with, while for parents, the new Child Lock feature will enable them to create a safe environment while their kids are on the XOOM. What remains to be seen next is if the XOOM sales really pick up.
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.