Motorola XOOM users in India will be getting the Android 3.1 update today, company sources revealed. The update, which will be pushed over the air, will bring in a number of improvements to the XOOM and will be available for both 3G and Wi-Fi versions of the tablet. Other regions that will simultaneously be getting the update include Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand which covers the entire Asia-Pacific region.
Users will be greeted with a notification window with the option to download the update manually at any time of their convenience. Measuring 40 MB, the update promises to make the XOOM even more convenient to use by incorporating several useful enhancements. These include activation of the SD card slot, so that the maximum possible memory on the XOOM now will be 64 GB. There will also be home screen widgets for applications such as Gmail, Calendar, and Browser will now be re-sizable while users will also now be able to transfer pictures directly from their digital cameras to the XOOM via a single touch by connecting directly to the XOOM through USB. Post the update, the XOOM will also be compliant with the majority of PC joysticks and gamepads that connect either via USB or Bluetooth.
These apart, among the other goodies that the update promises to bring include better multitasking ability, while users will have the option to attach both a keyboard and mouse to the XOOM via bluetooth and operate them at the same time.
Clearly one of the biggest changes the update promises is the home screen that will now include small boxes of all the open applications, making navigation a breeze. Adobe Flash Player will also be a part of the update, as will be a new file manager, while the new high-performance Wi-Fi lock will ensure the XOOM is able to maintain the Wi-Fi connection even when the screen is off.
So if all these are too tempting and you can’t just wait, go to Settings > About Tablet > System Updates and bring in the change yourself.
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.