Hanvon has launched its latest E Ink tablet which forms part of its N10 series of e-note devices, ITHome reported. Named the Hanvon N10 Pro, the tablet has a similar overall design but better hardware and software features. For instance, the screen layer has been reduced by 31 percent, making the display look much clearer and more distinct than before. Hanvon said this has been achieved by reducing the capacitive screen and the light guide plate that brings the E Ink layer closer to the surface. The e-note otherwise comes with a Carta 1200 E Ink screen having 300 PPI resolution. There is no front light feature available though.
Under the hood, the N10 Pro comes with an octa-core processor that is combined with a 4 GB + 64 GB memory and storage configuration. The processor is capable of 6TOPS computing power that points to a high level of Neural Processing Unit (NPU) performance, something that makes the N10 Pro a truly capable AI device. With the ability to perform billions of operations per second, it can process AI algorithms with ease. Keeping the device going is a rather large 6500 mAh battery which Hanvon said allows for 120 days stand-by time.
A nice feature of the N10 Pro is that it comes pre-loaded with Android 14 OS. This makes it to have better security, privacy, and compatibility than the competition. Further, equipped with a four-microphone array, the e-note can be used to listen effectively and more accurately. It can record meeting proceedings, presentations, or lectures which can then be converted to texts.
Also, the high-voltage digital intelligent amplifier and a five-magnetic ultra-linear amplitude speaker ensure exceptional sound clarity. You can also choose from different AI voices which can be intellectual girl, cute girl, magnetic boy, youthful girl, and American English. Hanvon said the device is capable of real-time voice transcription and supports simultaneous recording, transcription, and handwriting functionality. Besides, it also supports multi-character recognition as well.
Accompanying the N10 Pro is an electromagnetic pen with support for 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity. Hanvon said the pen offers a very natural writing feel and offers several writing modes which can be ballpoint pen, fountain pen, brush, pencil, calligraphy pen, and marker pen. The e-note supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.0 while there is also the USB-C port for wired connectivity and charging the battery. The device measures 196.23 x 226.37 x 5.5 mm in dimension and weighs 390 grams. It supports almost all known e-books, audiobooks, and image formats, making it a versatile device that is efficient for work, study, or entertainment like reading e-books, listening to audiobooks, and such.
Coming to its availability, the N10 Pro can be ordered via JingDong where it is priced at 2999 Yuan, which comes to around USD 419.
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.