Hanvon has launched its latest E Ink tablet which forms part of its N10 series of e-note devices, ITHome reported. Named the Hanvon N10 Pro, the tablet has a similar overall design but better hardware and software features. For instance, the screen layer has been reduced by 31 percent, making the display look much clearer and more distinct than before. Hanvon said this has been … [Read more...] about New Hanvon N10 Pro Launched, Features Carta 1200 E Ink With Improved Clarity
E Ink Carta 1200
iReader Smart 5 Pro e-Note With 10.3-inch 300PPI Carta 1200 Display Launched
iReader has a new E Ink tablet to offer, which it has named the Smart 5 Pro, ITHome reported. The company claims that the new Smart 5 Pro impresses with its high-resolution e-paper display and boasts superior performance. The e-note is priced at 3099 yuan (USD 426) and is currently being pre-ordered via JingDong. The Smart 5 Pro comes with a 10.3-inch E Ink Carta 1200 panel … [Read more...] about iReader Smart 5 Pro e-Note With 10.3-inch 300PPI Carta 1200 Display Launched
Xiaomi 7-inch e-reader with Carta 1200 display launched in China
Xiaomi has introduced a new 7-inch e-reader device which is slated to go on sale in China from January 5 onwards. The e-reader comes with an E Ink Carta 1200 display having 300 PPI resolution. The display is also aided by a 32-level warm and cold light feature which ensures you have the most optimum reading experience irrespective of the ambient lighting condition. An … [Read more...] about Xiaomi 7-inch e-reader with Carta 1200 display launched in China
iReader Light 3 e-reader announced, features 6-inch E Ink Carta 1200 display
As was already discussed before, iReader has introduced the Light 3 e-reader which the company said is aimed at the younger generation. Also, as has already been speculated before, the new Light 3 e-reader comes with a 6-inch E Ink Carta 1200 screen having the same 212 PPI 1024 x 758 pixels resolution as its predecessor. The display supports 256 levels of grayscale along with … [Read more...] about iReader Light 3 e-reader announced, features 6-inch E Ink Carta 1200 display
iReader to launch new flexible screen e-reader on August 2
iReader has announced it is all set to launch a whole new e-reader device on August 2nd, ITHome reported. The company however isn't revealing all the details just yet but has dropped hints of it featuring the E Ink Carta 1200 display having 300 PPI resolution. Also, what is expected to be the biggest USP of the device is the incorporation of flexible display technology, which … [Read more...] about iReader to launch new flexible screen e-reader on August 2
The 2023 iReader Ocean 3 e-reader, a Kindle Oasis Killer? A Review
The iReader Ocean 3 comes across as a nice little e-reader device. It is compact and extremely lightweight. It has got a stellar display which makes reading off it an extremely pleasurable experience. Another inherent positive of the Ocean 3 is its Android platform, which means buyers won't be tied to a particular content stream. Just install the e-book reader app that you like … [Read more...] about The 2023 iReader Ocean 3 e-reader, a Kindle Oasis Killer? A Review
XIAOMI MOAAN Air e-reader with 6-inch 300 PPI E Ink Carta 1200 display launched
A new e-reader has come onto the scene. It is the Moan Air that is being referred to here which recently saw a release in China. The Air comes with a 6-inch E Ink display having 300 PPI resolution, which means texts and images are really going to pop out. Moan said it is a new generation E ink Carta 1200 E Ink display technology that the Air comes with which it claimed offers … [Read more...] about XIAOMI MOAAN Air e-reader with 6-inch 300 PPI E Ink Carta 1200 display launched
PalmReading announces new SmartAir e-note with 8-inch 300PPI E Ink Carta 1200 display
Another day and another new e-note device have come on to the scene. This time, PalmReading has introduced its new iReader SmartAir e-paper device which features an 8-inch E Ink Carta 1200 display having 300PPI resolution. Apart from offering enhanced clarity and sharpness, the new SmartAir e-note device has a 22 percent faster refresh rate and 15 percent better contrast. Along … [Read more...] about PalmReading announces new SmartAir e-note with 8-inch 300PPI E Ink Carta 1200 display
iReader Ocean 2 e-reader review
The iReader Ocean 2 comes across as a handy e-reader device having a 7-inch E Ink display. The device comes with an asymmetrical design similar to that of the Amazon Kindle Oasis 3. The left spine is also where the page turn buttons are placed. However, unlike the Kindle Oasis 3, the iReader Ocean 2 runs Android, which means there is always the option to sideload apps from … [Read more...] about iReader Ocean 2 e-reader review