Yes, the headline is intentionally inflammatory, and not in a click-bait sort of way. There are many in the publishing industry (and sadly, many even among the lowly writers themselves) who still don't view self-publishing as a viable, respectable avenue to "real" authors. Now that we've gotten mention of that mindset out of the way, it's time to dive into the actual meat of … [Read more...] about Closing the Gap: Indies Are Outselling “Real” Authors
ebook sales
Libraries drive e-book sales
There was time when major publishers were apprehensive at offering digital content in public libraries because they thought it would cannibalize their retail sales. This is a common misconception because according to a new report 50% of the e-Books that were read in the library in the past 12 months were than purchased from companies like Amazon or Kobo. A new research … [Read more...] about Libraries drive e-book sales
e-Book Sales Have Declined 11.0% in 2015
The Association of American Publishers has just released their annual report that takes a look at the overall health of the industry and how well audiobooks, e-books, hardcover and paper sales are doing. The organization has reported that e-book sales have declined 11% on the year with YA falling a staggering 44.5% from the same period in 2014. One of the big problems with … [Read more...] about e-Book Sales Have Declined 11.0% in 2015
eBook sales plummet 10% in first six months of 2015
The Association of American Publishers garner sales data from 1,207 publishers and they have found e-book sales have decreased 10.3% in the first six months of 2015. Digital audiobooks were once again the hottest new segment in publishing and overall sales were up 31%. Not only were e-books down but if we look closely at what genres decreased the most, adult eBooks slipped … [Read more...] about eBook sales plummet 10% in first six months of 2015
e-Book Sales Plummet all Over the World in 2015
The Association of American Publishers has just released their annual data report and e-book sales are not doing that great. In the first three months of 2015 they have plummeted 7.5% from the same period last year. Meanwhile paperback sales have increased by 8.9% giving further credence that people are switching back to print in greater numbers than originally thought. The … [Read more...] about e-Book Sales Plummet all Over the World in 2015
E-Book Sales Down 6% in the United States in 2014
Print is making a comeback and e-book sales have decreased. Nielsen Pubtrack data is demonstrating that digital sales have fallen 6% in 2014, which equates to 223 million e-books being sold in the US, down from 240 million units in 2013. Nielsen fetches its data from 30 of the largest publishers in the US, so this is an accurate portrayal of sales from mainstream bestsellers … [Read more...] about E-Book Sales Down 6% in the United States in 2014
UK Authors Earn £11,000 per Year
The vast majority of authors in the United Kingdom are not raking in a copious amount of money as originally thought. The average author is only making £11,000 per year more than £5,000 below the income level considered to be a socially acceptable standard of living. The Business of Being an Author: A Survey of Authors Earnings and Contracts was commissioned by the Authors’ … [Read more...] about UK Authors Earn £11,000 per Year
South Korean e-Book Market to Make Huge Gains in 2015
The South Korean e-Book market is one of the ten largest in the world. The overall book market is currently worth about $3.2 billion in revenue per year, and that amount is expected to grow 30% over the next few years. e-Book sales have steadily been climbing with $178 million in sales in 2012 and over 228 million in 2013. South Korea’s mobile phone penetration rate topped … [Read more...] about South Korean e-Book Market to Make Huge Gains in 2015
Why Print Books Declined in 2013
eBooks have grown to be a billion dollar business and now accounts for 27% of all book sales in the US. Print books are still holding their own and have only declined slightly in 2013 at a paltry 1%. The decrease in tangible book sales is partly attributed to less books being printed. Bowker reports that 304,912 books were produced by traditional publishers in 2013 compared … [Read more...] about Why Print Books Declined in 2013
Smashwords’ Survey Indicates Shifting Trends in eBook Pricing, Sales
Self-publishing and ebook distribution platform Smashwords announced this week the results of its annual survey which tracks sales for the previous year and compiles an intense look at trends in ebook retailing from the data. Each year, this data has provided an in-depth understanding of how reading consumers are behaving in regards to their ebook purchases. Some of the key … [Read more...] about Smashwords’ Survey Indicates Shifting Trends in eBook Pricing, Sales