Kobo is one of the largest online booksellers in the world and currently has over 3.5 million titles available. Over the course of the last few years, the company has been depending on GoodReads for book reviews and ratings. This has populated millions of titles with user generated data that influences peoples buying decisions. Michael Tamblyn, Chief Content Officer at Kobo, … [Read more...] about Kobo Suspends Usage of the GoodReads API
What’s Wrong with a Little Healthy Book Discussion?
All we keep hearing from the world of successful, bestselling indie authors is that they owe their success to their fans who are active on social media. Readers have embraced the access they have to their favorite authors, relishing in the Facebook interactions, Twitter chats, live Google Hangouts, and more. So what's wrong with an author responding to a book review, much as … [Read more...] about What’s Wrong with a Little Healthy Book Discussion?
Authors, Readers Band Together to Stop Goodreads “Bullying”
Who knew the book industry was filled with such venom, such mayhem, such...death threats? Book discovery and discussion site Goodreads has been the battlefield recently for a game that is causing concern among both authors and readers alike. According to some reports from actual users, there are roving bands of "bullies" on the site, some of them actual moderators approved … [Read more...] about Authors, Readers Band Together to Stop Goodreads “Bullying”
BookLikes: Do We Need Another Book Discovery Site?
There is no shortage of websites that aim to connect books with readers, and most of them offer some pretty familiar features. Find books, rate books, review books, talk about... books. Occasionally, though, a site comes along whose goal is to bring something new to the book discovery realm. BookLikes, the Poland-based multi-national site whose eight month beta launch … [Read more...] about BookLikes: Do We Need Another Book Discovery Site?
Goodreads Almost Purchased by Apple
Online digital book club Goodreads was to be purchased by Amazon a few weeks ago for $200 million dollars if performance goals are met. When the whole deal was going down, Apple was actually in negotiations to buy the company. Amazon insisted that Goodreads break off talks with all of their potential suitors, while a deal was being done. The Wall Street Journal is reporting … [Read more...] about Goodreads Almost Purchased by Apple
Amazon Owns Goodreads… What Now?
So far, the official press releases and arranged interviews about Amazon's purchase of Goodreads have had a chance to make their way to the news front. An equal number of readers, if not more, have taken to social media to share their concerns and criticisms. But one surprising response has come from industry insider Mark Coker, the CEO and founder of Smashwords. Coker … [Read more...] about Amazon Owns Goodreads… What Now?
Amazon Announces the Acquisition of Goodreads
Amazon has announced today that the company will acquire ebook discovery and social community site Goodreads. The entire deal will be finalized sometime during the second quarter of 2013 and all staff and the headquarters will be property of Amazon. Goodreads was founded in 2007 and currently has over 16 million members and over 30,000 bookclubs. Users have added 530 million … [Read more...] about Amazon Announces the Acquisition of Goodreads
Slice Bookshelf Provides a New Perspective on Book Discovery
At the O'Reilly Media Tools of Change conference in New York earlier this month, one sparsely attended breakout session led by a very soft-spoken person who may have revolutionized the online world of books presented some startling data about consumer behavior. Otis Chandler, founder of the widely popular interaction site Goodreads, discussed the results of Goodreads massive … [Read more...] about Slice Bookshelf Provides a New Perspective on Book Discovery
Goodreads’ CEO Otis Chandler Presents Data on Book Discovery
One of the most pressing obstacles for authors, publishers, book sellers, and industry watchers is that of book discovery. With so much content on the market, both from traditional and self-publishers, how are readers expected to connect with great content and more importantly, continue to be consumers? Otis Chandler, founder and CEO of Goodreads, spoke at a presentation on … [Read more...] about Goodreads’ CEO Otis Chandler Presents Data on Book Discovery
Game of Books Plans to Reward Reading
Ever wish that someone besides your Twitter following cared how many books you read last year? Or was willing to give you more than a pat on the back in the coffee room at work for reading more books than anyone else in your office? Here's your chance. Aaron Stanton's recently fully-funded Kickstarter campaign was to create the online game, Game of Books, in which readers earn … [Read more...] about Game of Books Plans to Reward Reading