The International Digital Publishing Forum works at the forefront of digital publishing technology; the stand-alone Digital Book event, hosted in conjunction with BookExpo America, has now grown into a two-day event with a full slate of keynotes and breakout sessions on where technology is headed in the publishing industry. When the IDPF was formed, OverDrive was there to … [Read more...] about OverDrive to Showcase EPUB3, HTML5 Books at BEA
OverDrive Unveils Enhanced eBook Lending at ALA Midwinter
OverDrive, one of the global leaders in digital content solutions for more than 28,000 public and school libraries, will be attending this week's American Library Association Midwinter meeting, and demonstrating an exciting new offering. With the ability to borrow enhanced ebooks in the near future, OverDrive is giving attendees a sneak peek at what this experience will be … [Read more...] about OverDrive Unveils Enhanced eBook Lending at ALA Midwinter
ComiXology Adds HTML5 Retailer Storefronts—Why You Should Care
I was laid low by a bout of the flu when the news came out two weeks ago that comiXology has converted its retailer storefronts to HTLM5, so I didn't think too much about it. But it is kind of a big deal, because it reinforces the broad base of comiXology's business. If you think of comiXology as the guys who make the Comics app that you use to read and buy comics, you're … [Read more...] about ComiXology Adds HTML5 Retailer Storefronts—Why You Should Care
Feature: Will The Future of Digital Publishing be HTML5, EPUB3 or Apps? Part 2
The future of digital publishing in the years to come is filled with uncertainty. The entire industry has failed to unilaterally embrace a standard format and we are currently seeing fragmentation. HTML5, EPUB3, and dedicated apps are currently the preferred platforms to include a myriad of multimedia aspects such as audio, video, and interactive content. Interactive … [Read more...] about Feature: Will The Future of Digital Publishing be HTML5, EPUB3 or Apps? Part 2
Feature: Are eBook Apps, HTML5, or ePub3 the Future of Digital Publishing?
Digital Publishing is one of the fastest growing segments and most major publishers are now seeing 21% of their total revenues stem from it. Publishers cannot decide on what the future of publishing will entail. There are three main aspects that the vast majority of companies employing for their strategy. We are seeing strong growth with dedicated e-reading apps, HTML5, and … [Read more...] about Feature: Are eBook Apps, HTML5, or ePub3 the Future of Digital Publishing?
The Future of Digital Publishing Will Be HTML5
We have argued on many occasions that HTML5 is more scalable in delivering content to the customer, compared to apps. It is very hard for young start-ups and established companies to spend the money necessary to pay for constant upgrades and updating apps for a variety of platforms. Jason Pontin, Editor and Publisher of MIT's Technology Review, agrees with us and recently did … [Read more...] about The Future of Digital Publishing Will Be HTML5
How HTML5 Based Books Will Disrupt the Digital Publishing Sector
Many digital publishing companies are increasingly looking to iOS and Google Android to make standalone apps for their ebooks or digital properties. They also deal with the traditional ebook format that is available via online retailers like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo. Dedicated app development geared towards a singular platform normally warrants an extensive … [Read more...] about How HTML5 Based Books Will Disrupt the Digital Publishing Sector
Zola Pushes Back Start Date, Signs New Bookstores
GoodeReader reported last month on the startup of a new ebook seller, Zola. What made Zola’s business model so interesting at the time was its plan to sell content that other platforms weren’t selling in digital form, such as its first time, Audrey Niffenegger’s The Time Traveler’s Wife. According to a post by Jeremy Greenfield for Digital Book World, Zola’s launch has been … [Read more...] about Zola Pushes Back Start Date, Signs New Bookstores
Readium Concept eReader for HTML5 and EPUB 3 Unveiled
The International Digital Publishing Forum has announced a new project in the works called Readium. Right now it is just in the concept stages for a standalone application for Android, but has just released a Google Chrome Extension. The goal with Readium is to develop a standard for developers and authors alike to customize content that will look good on any mobile device. … [Read more...] about Readium Concept eReader for HTML5 and EPUB 3 Unveiled
Yahoo mail adopts HTML 5 for iPad
Yahoo had made its popular webmail site HTML5-ready so as to ensure its users are connected to the world while they are on mobile devices like the iPad. They had done a similar thing with the iPhone, and with the iPad now within the gambit, Yahoo mail users can have unrestricted access to their inbox at all times. The new HTML optimized Yahoo mail offers a richer user … [Read more...] about Yahoo mail adopts HTML 5 for iPad