If you are looking for the cheapest tablet with a 1 GHz processor along with a capacitive touchscreen display, Epesitec has the answer. The price announced is a lucrative $189, which is $10 less than the Amazon Kindle Fire. The model priced at $189 boasts of a a 7 inch touchscreen display, a 1.2 GHz Freescale processor along with PowerVR Series5 graphics. Named Epesitec … [Read more...] about Epesitec Android Tablets are Cheaper Than the Kindle Fire by $10
Kindle Fire
Amazon Kindle Fire tablet Shipment Could Top 5 Million in Q4
Amazon is poised to sell no less than 5 million of its Kindle Fire tablet PCs in the fourth quarter, a figure that sums up to almost half of what the Apple iPad is projected to achieve. If this is how it indeed turns out for the Kindle Fire, then it would mean the first real competitor for the iPad is here. "It's the first time a competitor has emerged to challenge Apple and … [Read more...] about Amazon Kindle Fire tablet Shipment Could Top 5 Million in Q4
Lenovo IdeaPad A1 tablet price hiked to $229
The Lenovo IdeaPad A1 has just started with the pre-order process and has quite a few things going for it. Like the tablet boasts of a special feature whereby its GPS facility remains active even when the device is not connected to the net. Running Google Android 2.3 Gingerbread, the IdeaPad A1 also comes with a decent set of features and is in the 7 inch tablet … [Read more...] about Lenovo IdeaPad A1 tablet price hiked to $229
Velocity Micro Cruz T408 tablet price reduced
Velocity Micro’s Cruz T408 tablet has been made a bit more palatable, as much as a price tag of $2oo signifies. Velocity Micro had launched the tablet with a price tag of $240, which is also the price aginst which pre-orders were being accepted. However, in came the Kindle Fire in between that forced Velocity Micro to rethink its pricing strategy for the T408 tablet PC and all … [Read more...] about Velocity Micro Cruz T408 tablet price reduced
Children’s Digital Content a Hot Topic at Frankfurt Book Fair
At the second Publisher’s Lunch of the Frankfurt Book Fair, the topic of discussion turned to digital content for children. As GoodEReader.com mentioned yesterday, the advent of the Kindle Fire tablet and the release of over 1,000 titles for children on the color-enabled device means a race between the tablet companies to provide quality ebooks for kids. One of the major … [Read more...] about Children’s Digital Content a Hot Topic at Frankfurt Book Fair
Kindle Fire Reaching Out to the Family
Barnes&Noble announced an eye-opening statistic this year that the largest customer demographic to purchase (or receive as a gift) the Nook Color was middle-aged women, and after further scrutiny, that news made perfect sense. The Nook Color is a light-weight Android-based tablet which was promoted through media campaigns for simple e-reading of books and full-color … [Read more...] about Kindle Fire Reaching Out to the Family
Barnes&Noble Sticking to Its Guns on Digital Comics
After the announcement last week that the upcoming Kindle Fire tablet will come with one hundred DC Comics’ backlist titles of comic books and graphic novels pre-installed, Barnes & Noble pulled all of the print editions of every title off its store shelves. There has been some speculation about the length of time this near-boycott will take place, as well as rumors about … [Read more...] about Barnes&Noble Sticking to Its Guns on Digital Comics
Over 95,000 Kindle Fires sold on the first day of Pre-Orders
Amazon announced their new Kindle Fire tablet last week and has the industry salivating on getting their hands on one. Fox News is reporting that Amazon has sold over 95,000 tablets on the first day of the pre-orders. Amazon is redefining the tablet space with a $199 device that should set the bar for mid-range tablets, but this one is specifically designed for reading and … [Read more...] about Over 95,000 Kindle Fires sold on the first day of Pre-Orders
Kindle Fire Boasts Exclusive Content
A sleek new design and a cheaper price point aren’t the only thing that Amazon fans are anticipating for November. Besides the obvious features of the Kindle Fire tablet PC and the Amazon name to back it up, comics and graphic novel fans are going to love the included content. One hundred titles of content, to be exact. The Kindle Fire tablet will come with 100 DC Comics’ … [Read more...] about Kindle Fire Boasts Exclusive Content
The Real Battle with the Kindle Fire Is with the Nook Color
At the most recent e-Reader Conference 2011 in San Francisco there was one prevailing sentiment among all others. Major news media outlets are trying to drum up a Kindle Fire VS. Apple iPad debate, which is not really important. The big news that everyone in the industry is talking about is how the Kindle Fire will affect the Barnes and Noble Nook Color. Doug Klein, the VP … [Read more...] about The Real Battle with the Kindle Fire Is with the Nook Color