The developers of Autography, the software that allows authors to fully personalize and sign their ebooks as well as embed a photo page for their readers at both live and virtual book signings, have had to resort to a legal battle over the theft of their product. The defendents? Major League Baseball’s Tampa Bay Devil Rays. According to the court document filed on behalf of … [Read more...] about eBook Signing Software Autography Sues Tampa Bay Devil Rays
Barnes and Noble Weighs in On the DoJ Lawsuit, Predicting an Apple Victory
Last week, GoodeReader posed a rhetorical question, essentially asking why so many individuals and organizations have voiced their opinions in favor of Apple and several publishers who have been accused of colluding on ebook prices in order to drive consumer traffic away from Amazon. While there is no doubt that some parties may just see a way to bring the online retailer down … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble Weighs in On the DoJ Lawsuit, Predicting an Apple Victory
Apple’s Motion to Dismiss eBook Price Fixing Lawsuit Denied
In the ongoing legal battle with Apple, one that has even been taken up by the U.S. Department of Justice, the first major motion of the proceedings was handed down today and ultimately denied. Apple filed a motion to dismiss that class-action suit brought by Seattle-based law firm Hagens Berman, but that motion was denied by Judge Denise Cote. Apple’s motion was essentially … [Read more...] about Apple’s Motion to Dismiss eBook Price Fixing Lawsuit Denied
Apple Wants Its Day in Court
Despite having three of its co-defendants in the price fixing lawsuit raised by the Department of Justice take the deal and run, Apple wants to have a court decide the outcome of the allegations against it for price fixing. In the words of one lawyer for the computer giant, it wants to see the decision made on the merits of the case. "Our basic view is that we would like the … [Read more...] about Apple Wants Its Day in Court
Apple’s Price Fixing Suit May Have Hurt Indie Authors
Apple and five of the Big Six publishers are still undergoing a Department of Justice investigation into an alleged price fixing agreement in order to muscle out Amazon’s 90% control of the ebook market in 2010, just in time for the iPad to make its way to the market. But as the information on the supposed collusion begins to surface, a number of other affected parties have … [Read more...] about Apple’s Price Fixing Suit May Have Hurt Indie Authors
TheTablet Apple tried to stop
That's exactly the tagline Samsung is now making good use of in Australia as it attempts to make up for the time lost while it engaged with Apple in the court of law rather than the streets and markets Down Under. The ad appeared in the The Sun Herald newspaper and is clearly a smart move on part of Samsung as the Galaxy Tab 10.1 has already received a world of media attention … [Read more...] about TheTablet Apple tried to stop
Samsung scores a victory in Australia, injunction on Galaxy Tab 10.1 sales removed
Samsung has finally been able to score a victory in its court battle against Apple when the Australian federal court over turned the injunction that prevented it from selling the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in that country. So while the preliminary injunction that had been issued by a lower court in Australia this summer has been overruled when Samsung appealed against it, Apple for … [Read more...] about Samsung scores a victory in Australia, injunction on Galaxy Tab 10.1 sales removed
Apple bites the dust against minnows NT-K
The NT-K tablet PC from the Spanish manufacturer Nuevas Tecnologías y Energías Catalá is one of the many tablet PCs that Apple did not like the look and feel of. So much that it had set out on a legal campaign to block its sales. However, Apple's legal battle against other tablet manufacturers like Samsung all round the globe has been a mix of both victory and losses so far. … [Read more...] about Apple bites the dust against minnows NT-K
Samsung Escapes a Ban in the US in Its Court Battle with Apple
Samsung's court troubles seem to be getting a bit tougher in the US, though it could be worse. As per the latest development on the patent infringement issue between Samsung and Apple, a court in the US under the district judge Lucy Koh has ruled that Samsung does infringe on Apple patents. There is, however, an addendum to this ruling which requires Apple to prove the validity … [Read more...] about Samsung Escapes a Ban in the US in Its Court Battle with Apple
Samsung Sues Apple in France over Tech Patents
If Apple has bitten a chunk off Samsung's back in Germany, the latter is also trying to do the same to Apple in neighboring France. Apart from the location, the other differentiating factor to Samsung's legal pursuit against Apple concerning technology patents where Samsung is accusing the Connecticut based company of having infringed on at least three of its tech patents. In … [Read more...] about Samsung Sues Apple in France over Tech Patents