A number of companies have tried to combat the growing problem of ebook discovery by building daily email lists and book websites, landing pages that are supposed to draw readers in order to discover the latest in publishing. Companies like Libboo have recently launched a daily feature based on traffic generated called The Midlist, designed specifically to highlight worthy … [Read more...] about Simon & Schuster Launches Off The Shelf Book Site
Libboo Introduces New Tools for Authors, Publishers
Authors and publishers alike--regardless of the route to book release--are constantly looking for new methods of helping readers discover books. Many tools at these creators' disposal come with high price tags, often out of the reach of self-published authors and indie publishing houses. Companies like Libboo have emerged to give authors the ability to engage with readers and … [Read more...] about Libboo Introduces New Tools for Authors, Publishers
Libboo’s Jason Freeman on the Obstacles to Book Discovery
Last week, GoodeReader profiled the book discovery website Libboo, a location that allows both readers and authors to find new and intriguing titles without wading through the millions of ebooks available from retailers' platforms. Libboo's Jason Freeman, Minister of Strategic Growth, was on hand a Digital Book World to talk about the importance of a site that speaks to both … [Read more...] about Libboo’s Jason Freeman on the Obstacles to Book Discovery
Libboo Users Create Buzz Around eBooks, Aid Discoverability
One of the most difficult aspects of the recent boom in digital publishing--for both authors and the readers--is discoverability. With predictions such as those from Smashwords' CEO Mark Coker that portend that 2013 will see an even bigger glut of ebooks hitting the market, readers can struggle to find quality content for their devices while still seeking out new authors and … [Read more...] about Libboo Users Create Buzz Around eBooks, Aid Discoverability