eBook Review: The Silkworm by Robert Gilbraith Verdict: 5 Stars Rowling/Gilbraith has done it again, and this one may…Mercy Pilkington6 July 2014No comments2 minute read
Rowling/Gilbraith Excerpt Now Available Longtime fans of JK Rowling and her new persona, Robert Gilbraith, have…Mercy Pilkington6 June 2014One comment2 minute read
Snooki Sells More Books than Lynn Shepherd, and That Makes Me Happy Critics and industry watchers can hypothesize all they want to about what’s…Mercy Pilkington24 February 20145 comments2 minute read
New Rowling Title “The Silkworm” Continues Gilbraith Series Since the cat’s out of the bag, JK Rowling can freely let…Mercy Pilkington17 February 2014One comment2 minute read